We had a fantastic meeting March 5 at Chapter Coordinator Matt Cohen‘s house. A lively social hour was followed by a program, and then more socializing. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to our members who have presented programs in the past; the certificates were only recently made available, and members enjoyed reminiscing about past talks…
The Phoenix members, which included three new members and a visiting member, enjoyed a lovely get together, the first one of 2016. Retired United Nations Ambassador Harold Norton spoke about the state of affairs in various African countries where he served. It was very interesting and well received, having been the third time he has…
We had our second informal dinner meeting of the summer at Zimbergers at the Biltmore Fashion Park in central Phoenix. Everyone was taking a break from their travels and had plenty of stories to tell. Indeed, one member is closing in on a second traveling milestone: visiting every county in the United States! Our next…
Matt Cohen, Area Coordinator, reports that the chapter had a “lively meeting” at his home on Saturday afternoon, March 26. The Curator of Asian Art at the Phoenix Art Museum, Janet Baker, Ph.D., “gave a fascinating talk with a Power Point presentation about traveling in China,” Matt reports. “She went into depth about their museums,…
At a well-attended Arizona Chapter meeting on Jan 30, Area Coordinator Matt Cohen gave on AV presentation about his trip to several countries in Southern Africa. Also, his photo book was on display and discussed. Matt provided tips in writing and producing the books and some travel photography tips. The Blurb book is challenging to meet often multi purposes, and there…
As a new season begins, Matt Cohen, Area Coordinator, reports a successful meeting and a good turnout for the gathering on Sunday, Oct. 25, at the home of Gerry Dippe. He said everyone enjoyed the speech by Greg Montes from the Sky Harbor Airport. Matt says the next Arizona meeting will be in January, and…
We had a small dinner at Zinbergers at the Biltmore Fashion Mall in Phoenix on August 12, 2015. There was no program, but great conversation. We hold small, weeknight dinner meetings during the Phoenix summer to keep the momentum going Members can normally make one of the events. We had great conversation, most of which…
Area Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that Phoenix had a “robust conversational” meeting on May 6 at Zinburgers at the Biltmore. Don Stelerz won the contest for the best travel tip, a photography print by Matt. At the March meeting, Matt presented a photographic slideshow of his trip to Madagascar and Mozambique. He says some of…
Area Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that the Arizona Chapter’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 6, at 6 p.m. at a local restaurant. There will have a programmed discussion meeting with no formal presentations, followed by coffee and dessert at the Cohens’ house. The Arizona Chapter had a very successful March meeting. Matt presented…
Area Coordinator Matt Coehen will host the next Arizona Chapter gathering at his home on Sunday, Feb. 8. Matt will give a presentation about Madagascar and Maputo. Another meeting will be scheduled in April or May.
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