Kansas City Chapter members met on Saturday, Sept. 28 ,at Trezo Mare Restaurant and were treated to a touching program by member Bonnie Burns on locating her family and ancestors in Italy. Chapter Coordinator Steve Fuller shared that our esteemed member Ray Woods recently passed away while traveling in the Philippines. Ray will be remembered…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter met on July 13 to discuss serendipitous travel experiences. Linda Mack of Omaha recounted a wonderful story about traveling to Sweden with her parents. They happened to locate the former house of her grandparents. Trivia: British historian Colin Thubron’s thesis stated that the European Middle Ages were ushered in and…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter met at Trezo Mare restaurant on March 9. An excellent program was given by guest Carla Mansheim on a “then and now” trip to Australia and New Zealand. Carla and her husband took a six-week trip down under in the 1970s and recently visited the same places 50 years later.…
Kansas City Chapter Coordinator and TCC president Steve Fuller reports that members gathered at the home of Bonnie Burns for our annual holiday party. New member Linda Mack from Omaha, Nebraska, was welcomed. In addition, Charles Merkel made the journey from St. Louis, Missouri, and John Dranchak drove in from Parsons, Kansas. The trivia question…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter has scheduled meetings for the following dates in 2024. The first three meetings will all take place at the Trezo Mare Restaurant. Details about the December meeting will be announced when available. Saturday, March 9, at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 13, at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at 11:30 a.m.…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter met on Sept. 23 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. New member Rudy Waldner led a discussion of the attendees’ best and worst travel experiences. St. Louis Chapter coordinator Charles Merkel correctly answered the trivia question: “Which country has the highest low elevation?” Lesotho — the lowest point in the nation is…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter had a noteworthy gathering on Saturday, June 24. The club was able to give special recognition to two of our most esteemed local chapter members, Audrey Walsworth and Ray Woods, for their achievement of visiting all 330 TCC destinations. St. Louis Chapter Coordinator Charles Merkel arranged the program of having…
The Kansas City TCC Chapter met on Saturday, March 25. Member Phil Larson from Boone, Iowa, presented a colorful program on frightening experiences he’s experienced in his travels. Charles Merkel gave an update on upcoming TCC Virtual Explorations episodes. Future meetings are scheduled for Saturday, June 24, and Saturday. Sept. 23.
The Kansas City chapter had a Christmas party at the home of Bonnie Burns. Members recounted their best “WOW” moments while traveling. David Battey might have related the most humorous by recounting the time he coaxed his elderly father onto an outdated high-altitude amusement park ride in Pyongyang North Korea.
The Kansas City TCC Chapter has scheduled the following luncheon events for 2023. All three of these meetings will take place at the Trezo Mare Restaurant on Saturdays beginning at noon. March 25 June 24 Sept. 23
Travelers’ Century Club®
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
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Tel: (888) 822-0228
Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org
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