As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
David A. Andelman will be our special guest for the TCC Virtual Exploration on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024, at 2 p.m. (U.S. and Canada) / 1900 UTC. David is a global affairs columnist for CNN and, most recently, creator of the SubStack page, Andelman Unleashed. He began his career as a correspondent for The New…
Real Wasabi: Looking Beyond the Restaurants for Gastronomic Inspiration Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024 @ 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) / 1900 UTC Whether or not you’re a food-focused traveler, eating is one of those few activities that we all ultimately share. Yet what is published in English-language media often gives short shrift to…
By Tim Skeet Past TCC President In 1814, Thomas Jefferson wrote in an Essay on George Washington: “He was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with the calmest unconcern.” This is taken from one of Don Parrish’s favorite essays, and in reading this for the first time, I believe this perfectly describes Don. I initially…
By Jane Berryman and Lana Skeet Jane is the long-serving coordinator for the Philadelphia TCC Chapter and Lana has played an active role at the conferences in Barcelona and Malta. Both met in 2014 onboard the TCC three-day Golden Princess cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, 340km (200m) off the northeast tip…
By Tim Skeet Share your interest in contributing to this new article by emailing The waterfront city of Helsinki can be explored for days, but with only 36 hours, use the efficient public transit. The ABC-zone includes the airport and a two-day ticket is €16.50. It can be used on any bus, boat…
Often asked, my name is pronounced “Kee-Keh.” As an award-winning photographer with National Geographic and storyteller with National Geographic Expeditions, I split my time between Florida and Colombia and lead journeys through Colombia Photo Expeditions. My project, Little Explorer, Big World, formerly The Adventures of Pili, operates under The Safina Center, which is dedicated to…
By JoAnn Schwartz TCC Board Member and Secretary The TCC has about 1,600 members out exploring the world. This means at any point in time, chances are your travels have probably crossed paths with some of them. My travels this fall took me on tours to the five Stans, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. On all…
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Diamond Members (300 or more countries) Karin B. Sinniger Pully, Switzerland Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Chu-Chi Huang Taipei, Taiwan Jill E. Melkonian Palm Harbor, FL, USA David Santulli Boston, MA, USA Michael Zoch Leipzig, Germany Gold Members…
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: William Affif Mauricio Agrello Pretto Thomas Alexander Ryan Bergenthal Chris Blackburn Anthony Bolzonello Sherry Brecher Michael Calder Kike Calvo William J. Casazza Eivile Cipkute Jennifer Clayburn Bo Danielsen Corin Doregger Karen B. Dorigan Benjamin Flosi Gary Foxley Yves Gentil Patrick…
Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »