This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
TCC International Meeting in Berlin Planned for September 2012
Click for Registration Application » On Sept. 22, 2012, there will be a TCC international meeting in Berlin, Germany. An exciting program is planned for those members attending from overseas, from Friday, Sept. 21, to Monday, Sept. 24, Download the Destination Germany flyer for details about travel arrangements, including an optional accommodations package at the…
Report from the April 2012 United Kingdom Meeting
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the RAC, Pall Mall, London on Sunday, April 15. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Palmer were gracious hosts, which was much appreciated in my absence due to unavoidable work circumstances. In addition…
Washington D.C. Members Lay Wreath at RMS Titanic Memorial
The Washington TCC chapter joined the Circumnavigators Club of Washington, D.C. on April 14 to mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The joint luncheon was at the Pier 7 Restaurant in the Channel Inn Hotel on the D.C. waterfront. Area Coordinator Jeff Houle reported that over 40 members and guests attended,…
Spring Gathering of Texas TCC Members at Austin Area Winery
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]What a delightful day it was in the Texas Hill Country for our TCC Texas Chapter meeting. The vista from the pavilion at Driftwood Winery was lovely, and it was fantastic to have 37 in attendance from the Austin…
Programs Announced for June and September Gatherings in Toronto
I am delighted to share some exciting news with you regarding a couple of really interesting gentlemen who will be joining us for our upcoming TCC Canada Chapter meetings: First, on June 2, 2012 please join us to hear writer, advertising guy and fellow traveler Randy VanDerStarren as he takes us on his action-packed journey to…
Report From the March 30 Kansas City Meeting
The Kansas City Chapter of the TCC held their first 2012 quarterly meeting on March 30, 2012 at Trezo Mare restaurant. Lonnie Shalton and Rita Leifhelm co-hosted a subject that is at the top of every traveler’s list – an African Safari. The couple showed a few highlights of their five safari trips. Before the presentation,…
Wines of the World Tasting Event for Boston-Area TCC Members
Matthew Goldman will host a special Wines of the World tasting event for TCC members on Saturday, May 12th, in the Boston/Cambridge area (location TBA). The cost will be $125 per person. At this event, we will explore what the wine regions of the world have to offer. Depending on attendance, and with an eye…
Anush Dawidjan to Host June New England Meeting in Springfield
Springfield, Mass., will be the location for the summer New England gathering on June 10 from noon to 3 p.m. Ms. Anush Dawidjan will host the gathering at her home at the Classical High Condos, a historic building, built in 1897 in downtown Springfield. Free parking is available next door, and participants will have the opportunity to…
March Meeting in Denver to Focus on Russia and Norway
The next meeting of the Colorado Chapter will be at 6pm on Thursday, March 15, at: Piccolo’s Cafe 3563 S. Monaco Parkway Behind King Soopers on Hampden, east of I-25 303-757-5166 We’ll have our first spring dinner and welcome women as President and Treasurer of TCC. Barbara Jackson will ‘take us on a trip’ to…
Washington, D.C., Event Will Mark the Centennial of the Sinking of the Titanic
Our next meeting on April 14, 2012, will be a special one: it will be in conjunction with the Circumnavigators Club of Washington and will mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. TCC member Bill Ashley has made this opportunity available to us. The cost is $25 per person. Please email Bill…
May Meeting Planned in Little Rock, Arkansas
Area Coordinators Walter and Dolena Kann report that the next Arkansas-area TCC meeting will be on Saturday, May 26, following 12.30 lunch at Capers Restaurant, 14502 Cantrell Road, Little Rock [click to open restaurant website]. Guests are welcome. For further information contact Dolena Kann,, telephone (501) 922-1632. The Kanns are also pleased to announce…
New Date for April Meeting in London
Area Coordinator Donna Marsh reports that the next UK meeting has been changed to Sunday, April 15, at the RAC, Pall Mall, London. As always, TCC members from around the world are invited to attend if they are in London at the time.
Newfoundland Presentation Planned for May New York Meeting
Beth Belkonen gave a presentation on Yemen at the December luncheon meeting. It was one stop in her self-arranged solo trip to 12 TCC destinations in the Middle East. There were 41 in attendance at the Sapphire Indian Restaurant. The next New York chapter meeting will be on Saturday, May 19, at noon at Brasserie Cognac.…
Northern California Chapter Learns About ‘Unusual Destinations’
TCC Board Member and Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that Lillie Echevarria will give a presentation on Africa at the March 3 luncheon meeting at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco. At the December meeting, Cal Schrotenboer talked about “Unusual Destinations” which included Osama bin Laden’s home in Khartoum, Sudan, and Lockerbie, Scotland.
February 2012 Meeting of Sarasota-Area TCC Members
The Sarasota TCC members met for lunch on February 3 at the University Park Country Club, reports Area Coordinator Lillian O’Leary. Members discussed their recent travels and plans for future trips.