Archived TCC News and Chapter Updates

This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.

  • Record Attendance at the March Northern California Meeting

    A presentation on the North Pole will be featured at the June 2 meeting at Spenger’s in Berkeley, reports Tim Carlson, Area Coordinator. A record 49 attended the March 3 luncheon in South San Francisco (see photos below). Lillie Echevarria gave a presentation with outstanding photography on South Africa, including the big game of Sabi…

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  • New Info Files: June 2012

    #628 Unknown Territory: Baku to Mt. Athons Part 3, Bill Altaffer #629 Namibia,  Wayne E. Smith #630 Lebanon, Wayne E. Smith #631 Sierra Leone, Betty Jean Knudson #632 Cabinda, Rev. Robert Ippolito #633  To the ABC Islands of Southern Caribbean, Lew Toulmin, Ph.D, F.R.G.S. Note: The opinions expressed are those of the writers and not…

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  • Well Traveled: June 2012

    Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled. Diamond Members (300 or more countries) Mr. Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan Carbondale, IL Mrs. Cathy Parda and Mr. Bob Parda Poway, CA Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Mrs. Magali V. Hinojosa Laredo, TX Mr. Markus Lundgren Stockholm, Sweden Gold Members (200…

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  • A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members

    The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Benner, Mrs. Valene Burton, Mr. Jeremy Fougou, Mr. Daniel Gill, Mr. Andrew D. Gregurek, Ms. Sonja Kho, Mr. Nicholas LaPesh, Mr. Theodore Lester, Mr. Richard Lundgren, Mr. Markus Mannik, Ms. Elga Matz, Mr. Bernhard Neher, Mr. Clark D. Neher, Mrs.…

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  • TCC Country Achievements: June 2012

    Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan, from Carbondale, IL, reached his 300th TCC country (Diamond status) on March 12 when he visited Isla Robinson Crusoe (Juan Fernandez Islands). He was in South Sudan and Libya in February and visited the South Pole in December for the 100th anniversary of Roald Amundsen’s discovery of the Pole. Better known as Dr.…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Dolena and Walter Kann, Arkansas

    Dolena was born in London, Canada, and entered nurses’ training at Woodstock General Hospital after graduating from the Ingersoll Collegiate Institute. Walter was born in Detroit and graduated from Wayne State University. He served three years in the Army during World War II. For 40 years he was a practicing CPA. They were married in…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Jan Novar, Southeast Florida

    Jan was born in the American Hospital in Linz, Austria, after World War II. Her father was the Air Force Administrator of the Hospital. During the war her mother escaped to Austria from Estonia and was later employed at the Hospital. Living at the Air Force base in Bordeaux, France, during the De Gaulle era,…

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  • Reaching a New Level

    We continue to receive inquiries from members asking how to update their status level. When reaching a new level of countries visited (150, 200, 250 or 300), members should send to TCC Headquarters in Santa Monica the list of TCC countries, with the ones visited checked. The list can be printed from the TCC website…

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  • Are You Connected to the TCC Forum?

    We’re getting some questions regarding the new TCC Forum, which is a password-protected social networking website developed as a free member benefit to all current members. Access to this private members-only online community is by invitation only. If you wish to have access to the TCC Forum, please e-mail your request to Include your…

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  • Clarifying the TCC Info Files

    The Dues Renewal notice prompted some inquiries regarding the Info Files. To get them from the TCC website, click the Info File Directory link under “Travel Info” near the top center of the site. Only the numbers underlined, which are the most recent, can be opened; others need to be scanned and will be online…

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  • Accolades for the New TCC Website

    TCC Headquarters has received many favorable comments about the new and redesigned website that was launched last fall. The new site provides frequent updates on club news and events and is easier to navigate. The site retains many features of the previous TCC website, including travel info links, a link to the Members Forum and…

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  • September New England Luncheon in Gloucester to Focus on Ecotourism

    The New England chapter met in Springfield, Mass, on June 10 at the home of  Anush Dawidjan,where we enjoyed talking about our latest travel adventures, had lunch, and heard about volunteer opportunities for native English speakers for Puebla Ingles in Spain. Avid traveler, birder and TCC member Noel Mann will host TCC members at her…

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  • May Dinner Planned for Denver Area TCC Members

    The next meeting of the Denver Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be: May 17, 2012 at 6 p.m. at the Blue Bonnet Cafe 457 South Broadway Tel. (303) 778-0147 [restaurant website] There will be no program; we’ll just enjoy one of our favorite restaurants. At our last meeting, we enjoyed Barbara Jackson’s slide…

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  • New San Diego Chapter to Meet in Early July

    Jeff Ward, coordinator of the new San Diego TCC Chapter, has announced plans for a summer luncheon: Date: Saturday, July 7 Location: Sbicca Restaurant, 215 Fiftheenth Street in Del Mar [Web site] Time: 11:30-12:30 no-host cocktails, 12:30 luncheon and program  Speakers: TCC President Ron Endeman and his wife, Judy Endeman Cost:  $45 per person, tax and tip included (no alcoholic…

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  • Retired Ambassador Addresses Arizona TCC Members


    The chapters’s last meeting of the year was on April 12, reports Area Coordinator Matt Cohen. Retired Ambassador Harold Norton spoke about East Africa. To avoid the Arizona summer heat, meetings will resume in the fall.

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Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »

Travelers' Century Club