This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Southern California Members Enjoy Summer Luncheon in Delmar
The San Diego TCC chapter held an enjoyable summer luncheon on July 7 at Sbicca Restaurant in Del Mar. The group’s next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6., at the La Jolla home of TCC Treasurer Gloria McCoy and her husband, Charlie McCoy.
Arizona Coordinator Matt Cohen Visits TCC Headquarters; Next Meeting Scheduled for Nov. 18
The next meeting of the Arizona chapter will be on Sunday, Nov. 18, starting at 3pm. The group will meet at the home of Area Coordinator Matt Cohen for dinner (heavy appetizers) and a presentation on Cuba by Dedrie Polakof.
A Reminder About the July 14 TCC Gathering in Houston
Greetings, fellow Texans! As a reminder, our next meeting will be on July 14 in Houston, and we are thrilled that Karin Sinniger (Gold) will fly in from Angola to be our featured speaker. Details on the logistics and RSVP request are below. Next Member Meeting: July 14: Featured speaker and Topic: Karin Sinniger (Gold) will…
Paris the Focus of June 2012 Kansas City Meeting
The Kansas City Chapter met at Trezo Mare restaurant on June 22. An informative program on Paris was presented by Mrs. Margaret Clark. In addition, members and guests were offered a drink of a 1954 bottle of Chateau Musar wine from the Bekka Valley in Lebanon. The travel trivia question of the day was: What…
Report From the June 2012 Eastern Canada Meeting in Toronto
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] Many thanks to all Canadian TCC members who attended our June 2 meeting in downtown Toronto. I am pleased to say it was our largest gathering yet ,with 21 folks attending along with five guests. Everyone enjoyed a…
Photos From the June 2012 SoCal Meeting in Santa Monica
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TCC New York Chapter Featured on NY1 Television Broadcast
The Travelers’ Century Club was the focus of a recent television news segment prepared by Valerie D’Elia, a travel consultant and commentator who recently reached her 100th TCC country. For the report, D’Elia interviewed TCC Board Member Christopher Hudson and others who attended the New York Chapter Meeting in May. Click here to view the video segment…
Franco-U.S. Relations the Focus of May 2012 Meeting in Philadelphia
The latest meeting of the Philadelphia TCC chapter was held on Sunday, May 20, at a local Portuguese restaurant, Koo Zee Doo. Fourteen members were in attendance to celebrate the chapter’s three-year anniversary, and to dine on the fixed three-course menu while hearing presentations on the Explorers Club and Circumnavigators Club by Sheila and Jim Forney,…
Pictures From the May 2012 Meeting of Denver-Area TCC Members
Your 2012-13 TCC Board of Directors
Photos From the March 2012 TCC Meeting in Anaheim
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An Invitation to the June 2012 Los Angeles Area Luncheon
Due to a conflict, Bill Altaffer had to cancel his scheduled presentation for the March Southern California meeting. It has been rescheduled for the June 9 luncheon in Santa Monica. His presentation will include all the South Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Crimea Yalta and Mt. Athos. Date: Saturday, June 9, 2012 Place: Daily Grill, 2501 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404;…
TCC Treasurer McCoy Places Third in Her Division in LA Marathon
Register Now for September TCC Meeting in Berlin
The exciting city of Berlin will be the location for the fourth International TCC Meeting, Sept. 21-24, 2012. See the enclosure for additional information. A Registration Application was enclosed with the March Centurian and is online. The Registration Fees have changed. The cost is now E150 ($220); optional dinner is E120 ($180); nonmembers pay an…
Miami-Area Members Enjoy Slideshows About Cuba and Iceland
At the April spring meeting, hosts Jerry and Perle Siegel showed slides from their trips to Cuba and Iceland. Area Coordinator Jan Novar reported that a good social time was had by all as members caught up with each other’s future and past travels. The next meeting of the Miami chapter will take place on…