This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
West Florida Gathering Scheduled for Nov. 16, 2012
Sarasota Area Coordinator Lillian O’Leary has announced that the next meeting will be on Friday, Nov. 16, at the University Park Country Club.
Photo Gallery: Presenting the 18 Tremendous TCC Area Coordinators
ARIZONA Matt Cohen ARKANSAS Dolena Kann ARKANSAS Walter Kann NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Tim Carlson SAN DIEGO Jeff Ward COLORADO Bonnie O’Leary SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Jan Novar WEST FLORIDA Lillian O’Leary ILLINOIS Thomas Flannagan MISSOURI Steven Fuller NEW ENGLAND David Santulli NEW YORK Lynn Simmons PENNSYLVANIA Jane Berryman TEXAS Kim-Kay Randt WASHINGTON, D.C. Jeffrey Houle EASTERN CANADA Rick…
North Pole Presentation Planned for September Northern California Meeting
Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that Sandy Henneman will give a presentation on the North Pole at the September 15 luncheon meeting at the United Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco. At the June 2 meeting in Berkeley, Frank Rainer showed photography from Libya.
New TCC Chapter is Launched in San Diego
On July 7 San Diego became the 17th TCC chapter. New Area Coordinator Jeff Ward reports that 40 TCC members and guests attended the lunch at the Sbicca Restaurant in Del Mar. They were welcomed by TCC President Pam Barrus, and Jeff Ward made the announcements. Immediate Past President Ron Endeman and his wife, Judy,…
Area Coordinator Profile: Jeff Ward, San Diego
Jeff spent most of his childhood in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri. He says he was obsessed with travel from an early age. His family was not interested in travel, so he satisfied his wanderlust desires by collecting stamps of the world, subscribing to National Geographic and reading library books. In subsequent years, there…
Still Time to Register for the TCC Berlin Meeting
You can still register for the fourth International TCC meeting in Berlin, September 21-24. Click here for more information about the event and a downloadable application form. The day meeting on Saturday, September 22, includes buffet lunch and free-flowing soft drinks at $170 or E125. On Sunday there will be a full day of sightseeing…
Brief TCC Bulletins, Plust a Photo of Don Parrish in Abbottabad
At its last meeting in June, the TCC Board changed the TCC Approved List of Countries to Approved List of Countries & Territories (still at 321). The TCC Roster will be mailed to members this month. It contains an updated History of the club. Send any corrections to TCC Headquarters. Our apologies to Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan…
Info Files Now Available for Members Only in the TCC Forum
Starting with the Info File #634 listed below, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. If you are not already registered in this social network website for TCC members only, e-mail your request to Include your name, address and…
Well Traveled: September 2012
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled. Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Mr. Nuno Lobito Costa da Caparica, Portugal Gold Members (200 or more countries) Mrs. Nancy Acosta San Jacinto, CA Mr. John Barnett Dublin, Ireland Mr. Helmut Lent Wolfsburg, Germany Mr. Henri J. Mackor…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Anderson, Ms. Ruth S. Antman,.Mr. Krister Bates, Mr. Bob Biggs, Mr. David Dildine, Mr. Roger Stephen Fee, Mr. Jerry W. Graham, Mr. William Jackson, Mr. Kevin M. Kimble, Mr. Nathan A. Henneman, Ms. Sandra Hill, Mr. Alwyn Hoggan, Ms. Dixie…
An Invitation to the September 2012 Los Angeles Area Luncheon
Date: Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 Place: The Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660; tel. (949) 955-1123 [Pacific Club website] Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Luncheon & Program Cost: Members & Guests $50, Non-Members (not guests) $75; includes valet parking, tax and tip Menu: Choice of Grilled Flat…
Photos From the Colorado Chapter’s 23rd Anniversary Gathering
The Denver-area TCC Chapter celebrated its 23rd birthday on July 19 over dinner at the White Fence Farm in Lakewood, reports Area Coordinator Bonnie O’Leary. Jim Downs gave a PowerPoint presentation on Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Kaliningrad and the Aland Islands. See photos below.
United Kingdom Members Plan November Meeting in Greenwich
The United Kingdom TCC Chapter will hold our next meeting on Sunday, Nov. 18, at: 16” West Brasserie National Maritime Museum Park Row Greenwich London SE10 9NF Tel +44 20 8312 8516 With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, 2012 has been a busy year in London. Looking for an alternative venue…
Texas TCC Members Share Scuba Diving Tales and Frequent Flier Tips
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas Chapter meeting on July 14 was inspiring. Whether you were a scuba diver or not, everyone seemed to learn something. The 18 in attendance joined us from Austin, Dallas metro, Houston metro, San Antonio and Seabrook.…
Denver Chapter Celebrates 23rd Anniversary
The July meeting of the Denver Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be: July 19 at 6 p.m. at White Fence Farm 6263 W. Jewell Ave., Lakewood Between Sheridan and Wadsworth (303) 935-5945 We will meet in the Heritage Room for OUR 23rd birthday! Program: Jim Downs has planned a special PowerPoint program to…