February World Alphabet Zoom This is a reminder that our “L” World Alphabet Zoom program is on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 6 p.m. Central Time. Look through your pictures and please email them to tcctxok@gmail.com before Feb. 8 or plan to share your screen. Because of conflicts, Lebanon, Liberia, and Libya have been very hard…
The Texas, Oklahoma, & Louisiana TCC Chapter had 19 members from Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Louisiana join in our Zoom World Alphabet program on Sunday, Nov. 17. Participants looked at and told stories of pictures from Kazakhstan, Kenya, Key Largo, Kigali, Rwanda, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, Key West, Katakalon, Greece, Kilimanjaro, Kealakekua Bay, the Kona Coast,…
On Saturday, Oct. 12, twenty-seven members and guests met at the Driftwood Estate Winery, which is owned by members Kathy and Gary Elliott. Gary gave an in-depth talk on wine and vineyards in Texas, and Kathy, who worked with Bert Hemphill, the founder of the TCC, said the best thing she brought back from a…
Fellow Travelers Century Club Members! The next meeting of the Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC Chapter will be held in the Texas Hill Country at the Driftwood Estate Winery on Saturday, Oct. 12. The chapter was last here twelve years ago when Kathy and Gary Elliott hosted us at their vineyard. This in-person meeting will be a “Show…
The Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC Chapter met on Saturday, July 27, at the Lakewood Yacht Club. The theme was “Think Cold!” Members enjoyed Paul Clites‘ “Bipolar” talk on his visits to both the South and North Poles. The photos and experiences were amazing. “Snow balls,” a.k.a. vanilla ice cream, were served as a dessert. Sylvia and Mark…
On May 25, a lovely lunch for the TCC was held at the Carriage House of the Houmas House Plantation in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dr. Deepak Awasthi gave a short but insightful talk about adding people’s pictures to your pictures of trip things. Sylvia Hanna-Russell wore a traditional Bhutan dress purchased on her recent trip…
Please join us by Zoom for our letter “G” edition of “Around the World in Pictures A to Z” on Saturday, Feb. 10, at 1 p.m. Central Time. Please send in your travel pictures of letter “G” destinations before Feb. 4 to help Mark arrange the Zoom program, or you can screen share your picture(s)…
Our chapter gathered at the Lakewood Yacht Club on a beautiful Saturday in January. Those attending their first meeting included Robin and Paul Drake, Teresa McCanlies, Kirk Rummell, and Rev Robert Ippolito, who has a TCC count of 320+. Dr. Deepak Awasthi flew in from New Orleans for an interesting presentation on “Difficult Countries” which…
Members gathered in August at the Perot Museum in Dallas. Dinner was arranged by TCC member and museum CEO Dr. Linda Abraham-Silver in the museum’s geode and gem hall. The program by Dr. Ron Tykoski and Dr. Dori Contreras took members on a journey back in time more than 65 million years ago. Jeffrey Scherbarth…
Fellow Travelers Century Club Members! Please save the date, Jan. 13 at 11 a.m. CT, for an in-person lunch at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas. Dr. Deepak Aswathi, a Gold status member from New Orleans, has offered to present a program “Difficult Countries” and recommendations for travel medicine. For those of you who…
Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org
TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »