This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
A Photographic Journey Through Central America Planned for December Meeting in New York
Area Coordinator Lynn Margaret Simmons reports that 40 New York area TCC members and guests met on Oct. 13 at Sapphire Indian restaurant, with a presentation about rail travel in India by Theodore Scull. He has traveled through India by rail four times, from Chennai and Kochi in the south, to New Delhi and Kolkata…
September Philadelphia Area Meeting Features South American Delicacies
The Philadelphia TCC chapter met on Sunday, Sept. 30, at Sazon, the only Venezuelan restaurant in the state of Pennsylvania, to eat South American delicacies and to hear a talk from Franco-US business consultant Danielle Thomas Easton, who has been fostering economic ties between the two countries since 1995. The group of 14 enjoyed arepas,…
Texas TCC Members Take a Virtual Journey to the Top of the World
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The last TCC Texas Chapter meeting for 2012 was held on Oct. 13 in Dallas, overlapping with the OU/Texas game and still drawing a great group of TCC members (see photos above). There were 19 that joined us from…
Pictures From the October 2012 San Diego Meeting
San Diego area TCC members met on Saturday, Oct. 13, at the La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy for a luncheon and presentation about Sydney, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. See photos below.
Report From the October 2012 Washington D.C. Area Meeting
The Washington, D.C. Chapter held a meeting on Saturday, Oct. 20, at Wildfire restaurant at Tyson’s Corner in McLean, Virginia. Members had a lively discussion about planned legal travel to Cuba as well as recent journeys to Mongolia, Siberia, Norway and the London Olympics. Special kudos to Boo Law who celebrated her 90th birthday this…
Photos and Video From the October 2012 Southeast Florida Meeting
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] Click below to play the video: Mouse over the video to show player controls. Click the expand icon (to the left of the word “vimeo” in the player controls) to view the video in full screen mode. TCC…
Kansas City TCC Members Learn About Bulgaria and Kona, Hawaii
The waters of Kona, Hawaii, and the country of Bulgaria were the center of discussion of the Missouri TCC meeting on Sept. 28. One of the speakers, Dr. Tony Racela, shared his underwater Pacific experience, and Marinela Koleva, an exchange student, proudly presented her country of Bulgaria. The travel trivia of the day was: The…
Fall 2012 New England Gathering in Gloucester, Mass.
On Saturday, Sept. 29, Noel Mann hosted a fall gathering for New England TCC members at her beautiful home on Cape Anne in Gloucester. After a wonderful lunch of delicious lobster rolls, salads, fresh fruit, baguettes and wine, the members gathered around the hearth of a warm fire and Silvie Lockerova, a Czech ecotourism specialist,…
Report From the Sept. 2012 TCC International Meeting in Berlin
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Some 25 TCC members from Germany, France, Ireland, the Czech Republic, North Korea and the U.S. traveled to Berlin for the fourth TCC international meeting, Sept. 21-24. The elegant Regent Hotel in the Mitte District, with views of the…
TCC Members Discuss Their Most Unusual Destinations at May Meeting in Little Rock
On May 26, 13 TCC members (including TCC Board Member Kevin Hughes and Charles Merkel, a Silver Member from Missouri) plus four guests met for lunch at Capers Restaurant in Little Rock. Responses to the program, “My Most Unusual Destination,” were varied. One couple took a Heifer International Study Tour to a remote area in South Africa.…
Presentation on Rail Travel Planned for October New York Chapter Lunch
The next meeting of the New York chapter will be on Saturday, Oct. 13, at noon. Member Theodore W. Scull will present a program about rail travel in India. He has traveled through India by rail four times from Chennai and Kochi in the south to New Delhi and Kolkata in the north. On his…
Next Denver Area Gathering Planned for Thursday, Sept. 20
The next meeting o f the Denver TCC Chapter will be on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012 at 6 p.m. at Piccolo in Denver (3563 S. Monaco Parkway, behind King Soopers on Hampden, telephone 303-757-5166). Our 23rd birthday at White Fence Farm was great! TCC Chairman Klaus Billep treated us to wine. Wish we could meet…
Attention TCC Area Coordinators: Guidelines for Centurian Photos
We are still having difficulty receiving quality photos for the TCC Centurian. Some of the photos in the September 2012 issue did not reproduce well. There are different requirements when photos are printed. Though we have sent several memos to you regarding improving the quality of the photos, and we have given you some guidelines,…
Washington, D.C. Chapter to Meet in Tysons Corner on Oct. 20
Jeffrey Houle, coordinator of the greater Washington, D.C. TCC chapter, has announced plans for a fall meeting on Saturday, Oct. 20, at noon. The venue is Wildfire McLean, a steaks, chops and seafood restaurant on the third floor of Tysons Galleria in McClean, Virginia (1714 International Drive). Members are asked to RSVP via email:
October Luncheon in La Jolla Planned for San Diego Area Members
San Diego area TCC members will gather at the La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a luncheon and presentation about Sydney, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. The event will feature Mexican fiesta menu catered by Alfonso’s La Jolla. The cost is $40…