This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
August 2018 Meeting Report: Cuba and Uzbekistan in Vogue Among Sarasota-Area TCC Members
The West Florida TCC Chapter met for lunch on Aug. 23. Attendance was strong despite the absence of our seasonal members. Two destinations in particular have the attention of most of our chapter. Many members have recently traveled to or have upcoming travel to Cuba. This is rather expected given our proximity to the island…
A New Chapter Coordinator for San Diego
Our San Diego chapter has become one of our most well attended chapters in no small part due to its founding coordinator, Jeff Ward. The board and local members would like to thank him for all his work for the last five years. Stepping into the job is TCC past president (2016-2018) Gloria McCoy. She…
Introducing Margo Bart, Our New TCC Board Member
The board extends an enormous thank you to David Barry, who has recently retired from the board after 20 years of service. The board will truly miss his humor, intelligence, and kindness. Raised on a farm in Indiana, Margo Bart caught the travel bug early in life thanks to family vacations. She came west to…
Well Traveled: September 2018
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Diamond Members (300 or more countries) Judith Endeman El Cajon, California Platinum Members (250 or more countries) David C. Brezic San Diego, California Sven Dressel Premnitz, Germany Diane M. Jarrett Newport Beach, California Richard J. McMullen Woodland Hills, California…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Andrade, Luis Renato Neves Baldasty, Louis Baskin, Eliot J. Beitzel, Ross Boswell, Paul Bowles, Marilyn Boyd, Julie Boyer III, Carl Brandt, Henrik Burgess, David Chaitin, Barbara Christiansen, Janice Cohen, Sandra Crowson, Deborah DiSalvo, Heather Domzala, Maciej Downes, Michael Druckemiller, Lois…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Eastern Canada Members to Take a Virtual Sailboat Journey Around the World at September Lunch
Hello World Travelers, I look forward to seeing everyone at our second 2018 meeting on Saturday, Sept. 8, 12 noon at The Hive office in Toronto (544 King St. West). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the…
Thames Path Presentation Planned for September 2018 Northern California Chapter Lunch
At the June 2018 Northern California Chapter meeting in Berkeley, Nick and Mike Bowles (Mike is from Texas) spoke about transiting the Northwest Passage, including the Inuit territories of Nunavut and Nunatsiavut. And member Lillie Echeverria was awarded her 150 Silver certificate. The next meting will be on Saturday, Sept. 15, in San Francisco. Here are the…
Three San Diego Members Honored for 250 Countries at July 2018 San Diego Chapter Gathering
The San Diego TCC Chapter met at the home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy on July 28, 2018. Following an outstanding presentation and photographs by Matthew Allison on his travels in South Sudan, Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso, 65 members and guest enjoyed a Mediterranean buffet that included mesquite grilled salmon and tenderloin. David Brezic,…
Save the Date: New York Chapter Meeting Planned for Oct. 27
Member Paul Couniotakis will give a presentation on his recent visit to Brazil on Saturday, Oct. 27. We will have the meeting at a Brazilian steakhouse in NYC. Further information will be forthcoming.
Report From the Washington DC Chapter’s July 2018 Meeting
I am happy to report a lively meeting of the Greater Washington, DC Chapter to of the TCC last Saturday at J Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia. Discussion focussed on recent members’ and guests’ travel experiences, including Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria, Suriname, San Marino, the North Pole, and French Guiana. Jeffrey Houle Washington, DC Chapter Coordinator
Atlanta Chapter Members Share Tales of Their 100th Country Visited
The Atlanta TCC Chapter met on Saturday, July 29, at the home of Anne and Jerry Godsey. Over 20 members were in attendance, including Charles Merkel from the St. Louis Chapter. Members shared in a cookout and told stories of their 100th country visited. The meeting also featured a presentation by Anne Godsey and Nancy…
Presentation at May 2018 Arizona Chapter Meeting Highlights Health Advice for World Travelers
On May 3 we had a eventful conversational dinner at Lon’s in Paradise Valley. Dr. Dedrie Polakof spoke about health aspects of travel and what to be on the lookout for. She was well organized and touched on many points. Examples: The extreme hazards of various bugs and milk in certain areas. Another example was…
Colorado Chapter Pays Tribute to Founding Member Bonnie O’Leary Who Passed Away This Year
On July 19, 20 TCC members and guests met at the White Fence Farm in Lakewood to celebrate the 29th birthday of the Colorado TCC Chapter. We gave tribute to Bonnie O’Leary, who passed away in January of this year. Bonnie was one of the founding members and served as Chapter Coordinator for the club’s…
An Invitation to the September 2018 Charter Chapter Meeting in Laguna Beach
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, Sept. 8, at the Mozambique Restaurant in Laguna Beach, where popular presenter Tom Getz will share his adventures and stories while cruising the iconic Northwest Passage from Kugluktik, Nunavut, Canada, to Kangerlussuag, Greenland. The small ship made many…