More than 50 TCC members and guests met at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles on June 10 as the Charter Chapter honored two “new-level” achievers and a new Full Member. Peter Narins was presented with his Gold Level (200 destinations) certificate and pin while President Steve Fuller also honored his wife Henna…
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, June 10, at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles, where popular presenter Diana Trombley, along with her husband Dennis, will present a globe-spanning program on “Indigenous Peoples Around the World.” Covering more than 100 different countries,…
More than three dozen members and guests of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) gathered at the Mozambique Restaurant in Laguna Beach on March 11 for our quarterly lunch meeting. We welcomed five members attending their first chapter gathering along with eight guests who enjoyed the camaraderie and opportunity to share travel tales. Member…
As is normal, our Charter Chapter meetings alternate between venues in Los Angeles and Orange Counties on the second Saturday of each quarter. Following our June 10 meeting in Los Angeles, we will gather next on Sept. 9 in Orange County and Dec. 9 in Los Angeles County for our Annual TCC International Holiday Luncheon.
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, March 11, at the Mozambique Restaurant in Laguna Beach, where popular presenter Matthew Allison will share his amazing adventures exploring Ecuador’s legendary Cave of the Tayos, believed to contain a hidden, ancient golden library of books engraved in…
The TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) gathered for its Annual International Holiday Luncheon at the festively-decorated Lawry’s The Prime Rib Restaurant in Beverly Hills on Dec. 10, 2022. And indeed it was an international event with TCC members from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Canada, Missouri, Virginia and Northern California joining our local members to…
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10, when we return to the popular Lawry’s The Prime Rib for our festive Annual International Holiday Luncheon. Our special presentation will be given by David Langan, who will be journeying from Dublin, Ireland, having just completed…
After a three-year COVID-related hiatus, Charter Chapter TCC members returned to our traditional September meeting site at the beautiful, bayside Newport Beach Yacht Club in Newport Beach on Saturday, Sept. 10. Members and six guests assembled for an afternoon of food, fellowship and fun as we welcomed three potential new members and a visiting out-of-state…
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10, when we travel once more to the waterfront for a gathering at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. Popular presenter Tom Getz will take us on an exotic and fascinating journey to the South Pacific with stops…
After a three-year COVID-related hiatus, Charter Chapter TCC members returned to our traditional June meeting site at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles, where we also celebrated the restaurant’s 100th birthday. Some 35 travelers assembled (including six guests and a member attending for the first time) as we dined where Walt Disney and…
Travelers’ Century Club®
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
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