What a conference we had in Malta! The opportunity to meet TCC members from around the world, learn about their backgrounds and be inspired by their interesting stories was the highlight for me. My message is about sharing what I learned about other members and what makes this club interesting for me. New York member…
In March I had the opportunity to visit the Dubai Expo 2020. This was an assembly of over 200 buildings that were built in the United Arab Emirates, including one for every UN country. As members of the Travelers’ Century Club, we are constantly meeting unusual and unique cultures as we travel from one country…
It is 1963 and I am feeling a special kind of excitement. I am a young teenager and my folks are loading the family station wagon for an all-night trip across three states to see our relatives in Ohio. Fast forward fifty-plus years; this time it is December 2021 and I am taking my first…
It’s 1979, my parents dressed me up, and I’m ready to take my first flight to Honolulu, Hawaii on WardAir. To secure the best possible seats at the front of the 747-200, our family made sure to arrive at the airport ridiculously early. We did it! Having never flown, part of me was scared, anxious…
Have you ever played whack-a-mole? It’s the time-sensitive carnival game in which the plastic mole pops up out of one of nine slots and you win by whacking it the most with your rubber mallet. Welcome to travel: 2021 style! You’re ready to go, thinking you’ve got everything covered with a double vaccine, 72-hour nose…
It’s December of 2009 and I’m about to embark on a two-month assignment with United Airlines. I’ve been selected to be part of a team helping to set up the Lagos, Nigeria airport operation. This should be an exciting moment, but it is met with mixed emotions. Why? Not because it is Nigeria, but be-…
How do you reconnect to your past travels? Do you have a trigger that makes you think, “Where was I? When was that? Who was with me?” For me, that is music and my story begins with my dad cruising along Interstate 15 at 55 mph in our new truck and camper. It is the…
The holiday season is upon us, and after a year of thwarted travel plans, it sure is easy to skip past 2020 and look to the hope of 2021. However, as travelers, are we not wired to embrace this type of adversity? Meaning, if we get excited about going to Socotra or enjoy the struggle…
The “Codex on the Flight of Birds” was written by Leonardo da Vinci 515 years ago. He said: “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” So true! Airline travel provides most of us with…
Today is April 10th, 2020, barely a soul on earth is traveling internationally. Can you believe that? We are grounded. What has happened? Future TCC members reading this message 50 years down the road need to know that the world has just been brought to its knees by a cunning virus known as Covid-19! This…
Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org
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