Category: TCC News

  • Assistants Needed for Area Coordinators

    Two of our Area Coordinators have specifically asked for assistance with their roles —New England Coordinator Dave Santulli and Texas/Oklahoma Coordinator Kim-Kay Randt. Both have heavy professional responsibilities and can use a helping hand with the TCC responsibilities. If you live in their geographic areas, please contact them at the Area Coordinators Listing, or contact…

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  • About the TCC Facebook Page

    The Travelers’ Century Club Facebook page is six months old and gaining new friends, or “likes” in this case, steadily over this period. The page currently has over 500 likes coming from users in 45 different countries, bringing our page 45% of the way to reaching its own country century mark. The content contributions are…

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  • Are You Using the TCC Forum?

    TCC members undoubtedly have the greatest shared knowledge on how to travel to the world’s most far-flung places. If you’re wondering about how to overland into Somaliland from Ethiopia, or find the next boat to Tokelau, then you should visit the TCC Forum. You can ask a question or give an answer. The Forum is…

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  • TCC Updates: This and That

    The new Roster of Members will be mailed to the membership by fall. As you know, the Roster is published every other year. Preliminary logistics are underway for the launching of a new TCC chapter in Naples, FL, with Dr. Marilyn Varcoe as Area Coordinator. The formal announcement is expected by the next Centurian. San…

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  • TCC Members Attempt Bouvet Landing During Five-Week Cruise

    Just as the June 2015 Centurian was going to press, we received the accompanying photos and trip highlights from TCC Treasurer JoAnn Schwartz. On March 24, some 30 TCC members from the U.S., Costa Rica, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Singapore boarded the Ortelius at Ushuaia, Argentina, for a five-week cruise to the Cape Verde…

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  • TCC Members Help Others: Tell Us About Your Volunteer Endeavors

    We are aware that many TCC members do volunteer work when they travel and also when they are at home. We’d like to hear about some of your work to help others. If you’ll send a brief description of your endeavors to TCC Headquarters, we’ll write about it in the Centurian, as space allows. One…

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  • TCC Get-Togethers on Cruises

    TCC members like to travel together and often take cruises as a group, as we have reported with photos and items in past issues — and as shown in our report about a recent attempted voyage to Bouvet. Cruises are a good way to add TCC countries and territories. Members not traveling with a TCC…

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  • Possible New TCC Chapter in Naples, Florida

    TCC members in the Naples, FL, area met for brunch in late March to discuss the structure and formation of a local TCC chapter. The meeting was spearheaded by Dr. Marilyn Varcoe, a cognitive behavioral psychologist who is also on the staff at Naples Community Hospital. Members decided to meet monthly except in August and…

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  • How to Start at TCC Chapter in Your Area

    We now have 20 TCC chapters — 16 domestic and four international — and possibly another in Naples, FL (see separate article). But some members outside the current chapter areas have expressed interest in meeting with other TCC members to share travel experiences. Additional chapters have been started in other areas of the same state,…

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  • How to Become a TCC Area Coordinator

    A TCC Area Coordinator should be a dues-paying member for several years but even a Provincial Member qualifies. It’s a volunteer position, primarily communicating with the other members in your local area about the venue and program for the social gathering. Formats of meetings can be as simple as a discussion of past and future…

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Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »

Travelers' Century Club