This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Organizing TCC Meetings in New Areas
From time to time we get letters from various areas inquiring about organizing meetings with the TCC members in their vicinities. As you know, many areas have enjoyed success with regular get-togethers and interesting programs. TCC has no set policy on regional member ber meetings and will be glad to assist anyone interested. We will…
Unusual South Pacific Islands Featured at September TCC Luncheon in Newport Beach
Bob Ihsen, a popular speaker at the TCC Los Angeles and Orange County luncheon meetings, will give a presentation on “Unusual Islands of the South Pacific” at the Sept. 12 lunch in Newport Beach. Bob will talk about a cruise he took from Invercargill, New Zealand, to the islands of Enderby, Macquarie and Campbell. His…
Well Traveled: September 2015
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled! Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Ms. Hongyu Yang Arlington, VA Gold Members (200 or more countries) David C. Brezic San Diego, CA Ms. Sara Hradecky Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Mr. Jack C. Ogg Mrs. Connie Ogg Houston, TX Silver…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Allison, Mr. Matthew Axt, Mr. Benjamin Baron, Mr. Randall Scott Bergsma, Ms. Heather Blimegger, Jr., Mr. Leroy Garwood Bohlken, Ms. Virginia (Ginger) Cook, Ms. Barb Cunningham, Mrs. Carol Jean Cunningham, Mr. R. Gregory Dahl, Ms. Arlene Empson, Mr. A. Holmes…
Assistants Needed for Area Coordinators
Two of our Area Coordinators have specifically asked for assistance with their roles —New England Coordinator Dave Santulli and Texas/Oklahoma Coordinator Kim-Kay Randt. Both have heavy professional responsibilities and can use a helping hand with the TCC responsibilities. If you live in their geographic areas, please contact them at the Area Coordinators Listing, or contact…
About the TCC Facebook Page
The Travelers’ Century Club Facebook page is six months old and gaining new friends, or “likes” in this case, steadily over this period. The page currently has over 500 likes coming from users in 45 different countries, bringing our page 45% of the way to reaching its own country century mark. The content contributions are…
Are You Using the TCC Forum?
TCC members undoubtedly have the greatest shared knowledge on how to travel to the world’s most far-flung places. If you’re wondering about how to overland into Somaliland from Ethiopia, or find the next boat to Tokelau, then you should visit the TCC Forum. You can ask a question or give an answer. The Forum is…
TCC Updates: This and That
The new Roster of Members will be mailed to the membership by fall. As you know, the Roster is published every other year. Preliminary logistics are underway for the launching of a new TCC chapter in Naples, FL, with Dr. Marilyn Varcoe as Area Coordinator. The formal announcement is expected by the next Centurian. San…
Small Gathering of Arizona Members in August, Next Meeting in October
We had a small dinner at Zinbergers at the Biltmore Fashion Mall in Phoenix on August 12, 2015. There was no program, but great conversation. We hold small, weeknight dinner meetings during the Phoenix summer to keep the momentum going Members can normally make one of the events. We had great conversation, most of which…
Presentation About Adventures in Africa Planned for September 2015 Eastern Canada Meeting in Toronto
Hello World Travelers, Our next TCC Eastern Canada meeting, our second of 2015, is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12, at noon at The Hive office (544 King St. West in Toronto). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please RSVP your attendance to me in the immediate future so…
Group Photo of the June 2015 Southeast Florida Gathering in Miami
Details Announced for the 2015 Christmas Meeting of the TCC United Kingdom Chapter
The Travelers’ Century Club UK are pleased to announce that we will be holding our Christmas meeting on Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015 at: The Segrave Room Royal Automobile Club 89 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HS Tel 020 7930 2345 Members are welcome to invite a guest. As a reminder, we are invited to this private…
St. Louis TCC Chapter Holds Two Meetings on Madagascar
People attending two meetings of the St. Louis Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club in May heard via Skype from people with intimate knowledge of the island nation of Madagascar. On May 9, Arthur Bolstead, who has lived and worked for many years in Madagascar, gave his insights into this strange and wonderful island. He…
June New York Meeting to Focus on the ‘Stan’ Countries of Central Asia
Dear Members and Friends, I am pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of the New York area’s Travelers’ Century Club on Saturday, June 20, at noon. Member Lloyd Lapidow will share his experiences from a 30-day September/October trip he made by private car to the five “Stans”: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and…
Report From the May 2015 Arkansas Chapter Meeting
The spring 2015 meeting of the Arkansas Chapter of The Travelers’ Century Club was held on May 2. The lunch was at Samantha’s private meeting room. In the spirit of that day’s Kentucky Derby, mint juleps were the drink du jour. See more photos below. Discussions included “miracles” in Ethiopia; life-changing experiences in Myramar; Bhutan;…