On Sunday, Dec. 15, the Seattle Pacific Northwest TCC Chapter met for a holiday get-together in Seattle at the home of Chapter Coordinator Cindy Shurtleff to celebrate member Stefan Krasowski’s attainment of his goal to visit all 193 United Nationas countries before his 40th birthday, He gave an interesting talk on his challenges getting into #193,…
To All TCC UK and Ireland Members, Thank you to everyone who expressed their date preferences for our spring 2020 meeting. As our group grows, it is becoming more difficult to find a date that is suitable for most members. I do try to find the best date that works for as many as possible.…
On behalf of those members in attendance at our December 2019 meeting, an appreciative thank you to Joseph Lee who treated us to two of his incredible bicycling adventures. The first through a dozen Western African countries, and the second that began in Pakistan, then through Western China and Kyrgyzstan. This unique travel mode saw…
The Mediterranean TCC Chapter has announced the following meeting schedule for 2020: Feb. 8 in Altafulla, Spain June 27 in Altafulla, Spain October (date to be announced) in Famagusta, Cyprus
Mark Aspelin reports “we had our first TCC of New Mexico gathering in Santa Fe and we enjoyed getting a chance to meet each other. Six of the eight members of TCC in New Mexico were able to attend.”
Samer Kawar gave an outstanding presentation on nine countries in West Africa during the September 2019 Northern California Chapter meeting at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco. Samer is an architect, so in addition to his great photography, he also included more than a dozen sketches of buildings, which were truly works of…
The TCC is pleased to announce our newest chapter in the Republic of Korea. Mr. H.W. Rhee was the driving force behind putting together a group of Korea’s most well- traveled people, however, Mr. Park will serve as the chapter’s first coordinator. I was born in Seoul, Korea, and my family immigrated to America when…
As the son of a physician father who worked for the Indian Railways, we made many family trips within India which I am sure was the origin of my appetite for travel. I grew up in the southern state of Tamil Nadu and while in medical school occasionally contemplated quitting to become a pilot. Using…
By Stefan Krasowski Stefan visited Syria in August 2019, a week before his 40th birthday. He has now visited every country in the world. Stefan has traveled to 306 TCC destinations and is a TCC board member. Why is it so difficult? Syria has been in civil war since 2011, and was effectively closed to…
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Travelers’ Century Club®
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
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Tel: (888) 822-0228
Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org
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