The Philadelphia TCC Chapter was treated to a multi-course Schezuan banquet at its most recent meeting on Sunday, May 15, at Han Dynasty, one of the country’s top-rated Chinese restaurants. In attendance were TCC Board member Kevin Hughes, who was enjoying his first-ever visit to the chapter, and guest speaker Robert W. Frye, former director…
The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the RAC, Pall Mall, London on Sunday, 22nd May. In addition to our UK and Eire based members in attendance, Mr. Otto Ducek travelled from the Czech Republic. Our meeting recognised the outstanding achievements of Mr. John Barnett and Mr. Colin McCorquodale, both of whom have completed…
The first official meeting of the new TCC Chapter in Germany will be held in Bonn over the weekend of September 23-26. Those attending the planning meeting in Dusseldorf, April 1 and 2, were long-time German members Dr. Dietrich Deppe, J. Herbert Goebels, Rolf Hildebrand, plus TCC Chairman Klaus Billep. Goebels agreed to be the Area Coordinator. There are 35 TCC members in…
Kim-Kay Randt has stepped up to the plate to take over the position of Area Coordinator for the Texas Chapter. She plans a luncheon meeting on a Saturday in mid-to-late June in the Galleria area of Houston. Date depends on members’ schedules and the featured speaker. The suggested subject will be “Travel tips to reach the most difficult location/country.” Interested speakers should contact her at 713-665-7499,…
For the seventh meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter on April 9, 2011, 13 members and guests met for lunch at Capers Restaurant in Little Rock, arranged by Judith and William Henderson-Cleland. Copies of the history of our Arkansas group, as presented in our last program, “All About Us,” were distributed. “Tell Us Why,” the…
The next meeting of the Kansas City Chapter will be Friday, June 24, at the Trezo Mare Restaurant, reports Steve Fuller, Area Coordinator. Charles Merkel, from St. Louis, will present a program on his recent travels to Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Future meetings are scheduled for September 23 and December 2. At the March…
Springfield, MA, will be the location for the summer New England gathering on June 26, reports Dave Santulli, Area Coordinator. Anush Dawidjan will host the gathering at her home at the Classical High Condos, a historic building, built in 1897 in downtown Springfield. She is a retired Foreign Service Officer and will discuss her various…
The Spring 2011 issue of CAA Magazine, a widely circulated publication of the Canadian Automobile Association, features a brief profile of Eastern Canada Area Coordinator Rick Shaver. The magazine article and complementary coverage on the CAA Web site highlight Rick’s extensive travels and the founding of the new Canadian TCC group. Click here to view…
Lillian O’Leary, Area Coordinator, reports that the February 25 luncheon was at the University Park Country Club. New attendees Bill and Bonnie Howard provided tales of their travels. He has been to over 160 countries and has traveled widely in Africa. Other attendees compared notes with their travels to that continent. Lillian and Neil O’Leary…
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