Our next Texas/Oklahoma Chapter meeting is to be held on Saturday, April 8, and will feature a presentation on “Travel Medical Issues – Preparation and Travel Awareness” by Cynthia Hall, Global Clinical Advisor, ExxonMobil Global Medicine and Occupational Health. This comprehensive presentation should be of high interest to us avid travelers who often venture off…
On Saturday, April 1, we plan to host our first ever Victoria area social. A luncheon is planned at the Empress Hotel, and based on feedback, we will gather later at the historic Q bar. Here are the details: Saturday, April 1 – 12:30pm – luncheon Saturday, April 1 – 5:30 p.m. – social at…
We had a fantastic meeting March 5 at Chapter Coordinator Matt Cohen‘s house. A lively social hour was followed by a program, and then more socializing. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to our members who have presented programs in the past; the certificates were only recently made available, and members enjoyed reminiscing about past talks…
The March meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held Thursday, March 16, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800). Thanks to David Van Treuren for his January presentation on his trip to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. This month we will hear from Monty Cleworth about…
Forty-eight members and guests met at Spenger’s Fewah Fish Grotto in Berkeley. Illustrated by his wonderful photography, including temple views taken from hot-air balloons, Bill Hubbs spoke on his travels to Myanmar and Cambodia.
The TCC UK held its late autumn meeting on Sunday, Nov. 6, at Little Persia, Bayswater, London. Our group included UK-based members and guests as well David Langan, John and June Barnett from Ireland, and Jiri Prasil and Irena Prasilova from the Czech Republic. We also welcomed first-time attendees and guests Sue Battersby, Per Besson,…
With 28 members in attendance, Kouzan Japanese Restaurant made a fitting backdrop in December for Thomas Anderson to share an account of his recent trip to Japan, where he visited several temple pilgrimage sites, attended a sumo wrestling match, and studied the somber past of Hiroshima. New York TCC members also gathered at Hurley’s Saloon…
At the first official meeting of the Mediterranean Spain chapter, members presented ideas on new projects, such as reaching out to the other European chapters and planning future meetings, while enjoying Spanish wine and cuisine prepared by Chef Javier.
At our spring St. Louis Chapter meeting, Dr. Arline Segal from the TCC Kansas City Chapter will talk about her trips to North Pole, Easter Island, Tristan de Cunha and more. Here are the details: Date: Saturday, March 18, 2017 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Place: EDGEWILD Restaurant & Winery, 550 Chesterfield Center, Chesterfield,…
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, March 11, at the Mozambique Steakhouse in Laguna Beach, where popular presenters Diana and Dennis Trombley will share adventures and stories on the Galapagos Islands, Colombia and Ecuador. Theirs will be an in-depth program which includes the new…
Travelers’ Century Club®
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
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