Category: TCC News

  • Getting Involved With TCC

    How to be an Area Coordinator – You should be a dues-paying member for several years. It’s a volunteer position, primarily communicating with TCC members in your local area. The only requirements are to arrange social gatherings (lunches, dinners, cocktail or coffee receptions, excursions, etc.) in a member’s home or restaurant; arrange programs (speakers or…

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  • Club Announcements: This ‘n That

      The 2012 TCC Roster of Members will be mailed to members in early December. It contains an updated History of the club. Send any corrections to TCC Headquarters Invoices for the 2013 Dues will be mailed the end of December and are due on receipt. Southern California luncheon meetings in 2013 are on the…

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  • Promoting TCC Membership

    While traveling, TCC members usually encounter other travelers who like to talk about all the places they have visited. Do you ever stop them and ask if they think they have been to 100 countries? They usually have not heard about the Travelers’ Century Club. (If they have, you may be pleasantly surprised to find…

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  • Clarifying Country Counts

    TCC Headquarters often gets questions about how to count countries that have been divided or “retired,” and whether one must visit the “new” country to get credit. Others have asked if stopping in an airport for a connecting flight counts as a country visit. TCC Past President Kevin Hughes has provided us with a good…

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  • Attention TCC Area Coordinators: Guidelines for Centurian Photos

    We are still having difficulty receiving quality photos for the TCC Centurian. Some of the photos in the September 2012 issue did not reproduce well. There are different requirements when photos are printed. Though we have sent several memos to you regarding improving the quality of the photos, and we have given you some guidelines,…

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  • Photo Gallery: Presenting the 18 Tremendous TCC Area Coordinators

    ARIZONA Matt Cohen ARKANSAS Dolena Kann ARKANSAS Walter Kann NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Tim Carlson SAN DIEGO Jeff Ward COLORADO Bonnie O’Leary SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Jan Novar WEST FLORIDA Lillian O’Leary ILLINOIS Thomas Flannagan MISSOURI Steven Fuller NEW ENGLAND David Santulli NEW YORK Lynn Simmons PENNSYLVANIA Jane Berryman TEXAS Kim-Kay Randt WASHINGTON, D.C. Jeffrey Houle EASTERN CANADA Rick…

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  • New TCC Chapter is Launched in San Diego

    On July 7 San Diego became the 17th TCC chapter. New Area Coordinator Jeff Ward reports that 40 TCC members and guests attended the lunch at the Sbicca Restaurant in Del Mar. They were welcomed by TCC President Pam Barrus, and Jeff Ward made the announcements. Immediate Past President Ron Endeman and his wife, Judy,…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Jeff Ward, San Diego

    Jeff spent most of his childhood in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri. He says he was obsessed with travel from an early age. His family was not interested in travel, so he satisfied his wanderlust desires by collecting stamps of the world, subscribing to National Geographic and reading library books. In subsequent years, there…

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  • Still Time to Register for the TCC Berlin Meeting

    You can still register for the fourth International TCC meeting in Berlin, September 21-24. Click here for more information about the event and a downloadable application form. The day meeting on Saturday, September 22, includes buffet lunch and free-flowing soft drinks at $170 or E125. On Sunday there will be a full day of sightseeing…

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  • Brief TCC Bulletins, Plust a Photo of Don Parrish in Abbottabad

    At its last meeting in June, the TCC Board changed the TCC Approved List of Countries to Approved List of Countries & Territories (still at 321).  The TCC Roster will be mailed to members this month. It contains an updated History of the club. Send any corrections to TCC Headquarters. Our apologies to Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan…

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Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »

Travelers' Century Club