
Chapter Updates

  • Report From the September 2024 Canada Chapter Meeting in Toronto

    Marni Angus was honored for achieving Gold Status with 200 TCC countries & territories.

    Hello World Travelers,

    I am happy to report that we had a very eventful TCC Canada meeting in downtown Toronto recently.

    We warmly welcomed a new provisional member, Rosemary Fleming of Toronto, Ontario, and  two new members, Ben Hsu from Calgary, Alberta, (via Zoom) and Barbara Benke from London, Ontario (via Zoom).

    We also congratulated Marni Angus for her epic accomplishment of reaching the TCC counties and territories milestone of 200!

    Catherine Shelton, TCC New York Co-Coordinator, tuned in via Zoom and she presented exciting details regarding the July 10-13, 2025, Regional Meet Up in New York City. Click here for event info & registration instructions »

    Also, a recap of the Azores Global meeting was shared. Here is a PDF copy of some very useful Travel Websites, Apps & On-Line Tools that were presented primarily by keynote speaker Pauline Frommer.

    Kim Gervais presented a wonderful presentation entitled “Shongololo Express – A Unique Railway Trip Through South Africa, Mozambique, Eswatini & Zimbabwe.” The range of geographic, cultural, historical and wildlife experiences that Kim shared was stunning. As promised, here is the link to Kim and her husband Denis’ excellent travel blog: Explore Your Bucket List »

    Wishing you all a great fall filled with travel & I look forward to seeing you at our next TCC Canada meeting Saturday December 7 2024

    Warm regards,,

    Rick Shaver
    TCC Canada Chapter Coordinator


Travelers' Century Club