This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Explores the Future of Travel
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter met on Jan. 12 in Houston, in a lovely, white-columned room in the Houston Museum of Natural Science, with several touring the permanent museum exhibits after the meeting concluded. It was a nice start to…
San Diego Chapter to Meet on Saturday, Feb. 9, in Del Mar
The next San Diego-area TCC meeting will be on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013 at Sbicca Restaurant in Del Mar (215 Fifteenth Street). No-host cocktail hour will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by a 12:30 luncheon and program. The cost is $45 per person. To RSVP, please fill out this RSVP Form and send it with…
Presentation About African Gorillas Planned for the Colorado Chapter’s January Gathering
The January 2013 meeting of the Denver Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be on Thursday, Jan. 15, at 6 p.m. The venue will be Piccolo’s Café, 3563 S. Monaco Parkway (Behind King Soopers on Hampden), telephone 303-757-5166. In November, Pam Jones showed us photos from her pilgrimage by foot from Canterbury, England, to Rome. It was…
A Successful November Meeting of the TCC Arizona Chapter
Our November meeting was very successful. We have very good attendance, and everyone had a good time. Of special interest was a presentation about Cuba by Dr. Dedrie Polakof. We had an afternoon meeting this time, and everyone seemed to like the switch from evening meetings. Our next meeting will be Feb. 24 at 2…
Photos From the 2012 Southeast Florida Holiday Party
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] Area Coordinator Jan Novar reports that the Southeast Florida chapter had its annual “Wild & Crazy Holidaze Party” on Dec. 15 at the Hollywood home of Barbara Stein and Ted Cookson. Members brought wrapped travel souvenir gifts for…
Texas Chapter to Meet at the Houston Museum of Natural Science
I hope that each of you will have a wonderful holiday and year end, wherever in the world you all may be traveling. Thanks for being such a great chapter this past year. 2013 will be here before we know it, so I wanted to remind you all about our January meeting and start requesting…
Report From the November West Florida Gathering
Sarasota Area Coordinator Lillian O’Leary reports that the Sarasota chapter had a delightful luncheon on Nov. 16, 2012. Three new members (Russ Stevens and Tom and Ann Charter) attended the affair held at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota. Russ Stevens discussed his trip to the five “Stans,” which was quite informative being that…
Eastern Canada Chapter Experiences Wine Routes From Around the World at November Meeting
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Hello World Travelers, We once again were fortunate at our meeting on Nov. 24 to have a fine speaker share some great travel stories with us. Margaret Swaine, noted wine, food and travel columnist for many national publications and…
Presentation on Bolivia and Peru at the Dec. 2012 Missouri Meeting
Lake Titicaca and the Nazca Lines, seldom tread places in the countries of Bolivia and Peru, were the center of discussion of this year’s final meeting on Dec. 7. Dr. Frederick Hahn, who is close to visiting his 100th country explored more of Bolivia and Peru including Machu Picchu. The travel trivia of the day…
Photos From the December 2012 New York Lunch at El Quijote
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] Central America, with a focus on Guatemala, was the theme of the Dec. 1 luncheon meeting in New York at the El Quijote Restaurant, reports Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons. The speaker was Lloyd Lapidow. In addition, the 45 TCC…
Nine TCC Presidents Pictured in One Recent Photo
New York Area Coordinator Among Super Storm Victims
Our own Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons was among the thousands of New Yorkers with water intrusion and power outage (and many with much worse problems) following the devastating wrath of “Sandy.” Using the computer in a local library, Lynn wrote that she had water in her basement and no power nor hot water. She was…
Photos From the September 2012 SoCal Lunch in Newport Beach
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]
Kim-Kay Randt: An Exemplary Coordinator
It’s just been a year and a half since the Texas TCC chapter was revived by Kim-Kay Randt as Area Coordinator. Her organizing skills and accomplishments during this short period are remarkable, and we thought a summary might inspire others. She says feedback from other Texas TCC members have helped her reach her goals. Here’s…
Kilimanjaro Climb to be Featured at December NorCal Meeting
Cynthia Reed will talk about “Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro” at the Dec. 1 meeting, reports Area Coordinator Tim Carlson. Lunch will be at Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto in Berkeley [view restaurant Web site]. At the Sept. 15 luncheon meeting in San Francisco, Sandra Henneman gave a presentation on a “North Pole Cruise.” She showed many photographs…