This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Retired Foreign Service Officer to Host June New England Gathering
Springfield, MA, will be the location for the summer New England gathering on June 26, reports Dave Santulli, Area Coordinator. Anush Dawidjan will host the gathering at her home at the Classical High Condos, a historic building, built in 1897 in downtown Springfield. She is a retired Foreign Service Officer and will discuss her various…
Eastern Canada Area Coordinator Profiled in Automobile Association Magazine
The Spring 2011 issue of CAA Magazine, a widely circulated publication of the Canadian Automobile Association, features a brief profile of Eastern Canada Area Coordinator Rick Shaver. The magazine article and complementary coverage on the CAA Web site highlight Rick’s extensive travels and the founding of the new Canadian TCC group. Click here to view…
Sarasota-Area TCC Members Enjoy February 2011 Luncheon
Lillian O’Leary, Area Coordinator, reports that the February 25 luncheon was at the University Park Country Club. New attendees Bill and Bonnie Howard provided tales of their travels. He has been to over 160 countries and has traveled widely in Africa. Other attendees compared notes with their travels to that continent. Lillian and Neil O’Leary…
Speakers At Southern California TCC Meetings
TCC Chairman Klaus Billep announces the speakers at future meetings. TCC Board Member Gloria McCoy and husband, Charles, will give a presentation on their travels to Iran at the March 12 meeting in Newport Beach. A question-and-answer period will follow the 20-minute presentation. Bill Altaffer will give a presentation on Central Asia at the June…
Small Increase in Annual Dues to Cover Rising Administrative Costs
In January you received your renewal dues invoice for 2011 which reflected a small increase. This was necessary because of rising costs of postage, printing, record-keeping, salaries and overhead office expenses. We have over 2,000 members and the number keeps growing as more people achieve visits to 100 countries. In our covering letter, we explained…
Flannigans Host 14th Meeting of Chicago-Area TCC Members
Area Coordinator Tom Flannigan, and his wife, Ellen, hosted Chicago’s 14th meeting at their home in Winnetka on Saturday, January 15, 2011.