This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
December Eastern Canada Luncheon to Feature a Virtual Journey through ‘the Stans’ of Central Asia
Hello World Travelers, I look forward to seeing everyone at our final 2018 meeting on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 12 noon at The Hive office (544 King St. West). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the immediate future…
Favorite Islands Focus of November 2018 Arkansas Chapter Event
The fall 2018 meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter was held on Nov. 3 at Capers. The topic of discussion was “favorite islands.” Many wore island garb, and favorites included Marshall Islands with history, incredible diving and wonderful nostalgia; Malta, pre Malta stone bridge collapse; Aruba, with beautiful sandy beaches; remote Indonesian island with pristine…
United Kingdom Chapter Members and Guests Treated to an Engaging Fall Gathering in London
The TCC UK Chapter held its autumn 2018 meeting on Sunday, Nov. 4, at Doggett’s Coat and Badge, Southbank, London. There were 25 members, including new members, provisional members, members attending their first TCC meeting, and guests in attendance. Our group included UK and Irish based members. We also welcomed TCC members from Malaysia, the…
An Invitation to the December 2018 Charter Chapter Meeting
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, Dec. 15, when we return to the popular Lawry’s The Prime Rib for our festive Annual International Holiday Luncheon. Note: Change from our normal second Saturday! Diana and Dennis Trombley will present a fascinating and comprehensive tour of…
September Meeting Recap: An Arctic Tour on the California Coast
TCC members and guests gathered on a warm sunny day along the Southern California coast as we toured the iconic Northwest Passage from Nunavut to Greenland — all at an African-themed restaurant in Laguna Beach! We are world travelers, aren’t we? Tom and Carol Getz shared their adventures and stories while cruising on a small…
Atlanta TCC Members Dress the Part for October 2018 Meeting
The Atlanta TCC Chapter met on Saturday, Oct. 27, at Davio’s Restaurant in Buckhead. The theme for the meeting was to wear something from a recent trip that represented a country or story to share. Represented countries included Bermuda, Peru, Vietnam, India, Macedonia, Ukraine, Brazil, and Jamaica! The next Atlanta chapter meeting will be Saturday,…
Update From the San Diego TCC Chapter
The San DiegoTCC Chapter met on Oct. 13 at the home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy in La Jolla. After a delicious smoked Texas Bar B Q luncheon, 45 members and guests enjoyed an outstanding Morocco presentation by Diane Bell. Beautiful photography featured donkeys, dates, decorations, and deserts. Join us in sunny San Diego for…
Arkansas Chapter Meeting on Nov. 3 in Little Rock
The fall 2018 meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will bet at noon on Saturday, Nov. 3, at Capers Restaurant in Little Rock The topic will be “favorite island in your travels.” Cheers. — Steven Clift, Arkansas Chapter Coordinator
Oct. 26 Deadline to RSVP for November Meeting at Doggett’s Coat and Badge in London
To All TCC UK Members and Prospective Members, I am happy to let you know that as of Oct. 19 there is still space for members, prospective members and guests to attend our next meeting of the TCC UK and Ireland chapter on Sunday, Nov. 4. See invitation/announcement below (click for details). If you are…
Faroe Islands Presentation Planned for Dec. 8 New York Chapter Meeting
The featured speaker at the next New York Chapter meeting on Saturday, Dec. 8, will be Robert Borowski giving a presentation about the Faroe Islands. Details about the event will be shared when available.
Former Sarasota Chapter Coordinator Neil O’Leary Returns to Host Halloween Day Lunch Meeting
Hi all! Exciting news, our former coordinator Neil O’Leary is in town for a week and has agreed to host a TCC lunch meeting on Halloween day! I am thrilled Neil agreed to step in while I am away this fall. Thank you Neil! The luncheon will be at the University Park Country Club per…
Final Colorado Chapter Meeting of 2018 Scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 18 in Denver
Thanks to all of you who helped us celebrate our 29th birthday as a TCC Chapter in July. The Colorado TCC Chapter will hold its last meeting of 2018 on Thursday, Oct. 18, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 South Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800). At this meeting we would like to recognize…
Pennsylvania Chapter Update: September 2018 Meeting Report and a Preview of 2019 Events
The Philadelphia Chapter met on Sunday, Sept. 30, at Korean-Jamaican fusion restaurant The Spicy Belly in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia. As usual, the food was delicious and the conversation was sparkling. The 12 chapter members in attendance dined on bibimbap, soju cocktails and other special dishes while listening to Melinda Son of CAGE, a…
Report From the 2018 Germany Chapter Meeting in Leipzig
Program: Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018 09:00 am – Registration 09:15 am – Opening Remarks 09:30 am – Introduction of Attendees Including Introduction to Leipzig (Michael Zoch) 10:00 am – Coffee Break 10:30 am – Presentation #1: New Zealand and Cook Islands (Armin Schreiner) 11:15 am – Presentation #2: The Way of St. James today (Verena…
December TCC Meeting Overlooking Pike Place Market in Downtown Seattle
Join us for a festive gathering at the home of one of our esteemed travelers. Sunday, Dec. 9, at 3:30 p.m. in downtown Seattle, overlooking Pike Place Market. RSVP required by Dec. 7. Contact Stefan Krasowski at, telephone (917) 737-1696. Address and entry instructions will be provided to those who RSVP. Free street parking…