This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
First Meeting of the New Year for Arizona TCC Chapter
The Arizona Chapter held a meeting on Jan 28. Attendance was satisfactory given the flu going around and members’ conflicts. We traded two types of stories after our networking time: The worst travel experience ever had, and a favorite travel photo. Chapter Coordinator Matt Cohen commented on the photos to assist members with their travel…
TCC Mentions in the Media
The club has had some terrific coverage in the media lately. See links below. Last November the BBC visited the Washington, D.C. TCC Chapter: Travelers’ Century Club: Meeting the World’s Most-Travelled People (Nov. 15, 2017) Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator Rick Shaver gave an interview about the club on Canada’s CTV News: Members of Exclusive Club…
Introducing Betty Hasson, Our New Chapter Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest
Originally a Canadian native, I moved to Seattle to marry my husband too many years ago to count!! I have fulfilled my fantasy of world travel starting when our two daughters grew up. We have up to now visited 117 countries but are not yet finished with our travels. Our most recent trip (and the…
Details Announced for April 14 Meeting in San Antonio
I hope you can attend the upcoming quarterly meeting of the TCC Texas & Oklahoma Chapter in San Antonio on Saturday, April 14, from 10:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the sun room at Paesanos 1604 Restaurant, 3622 Paesanos Parkway., San Antonio, TX 78231 [Google map]. Please RSVP (click the red…
Former TCC Chairman Klaus Billep Passes Away
The Travelers’ Century Club expressed sorrow and sadness at the news of Klaus’s passing. He was the club’s longest-serving chairman, and for some thirty years, he worked tirelessly to expand the club, establishing many of the 25 club chapters across North America and Europe. His passion for travel paved a way for many of us…
Well Traveled: March 2018
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Anush Dawidjan North Bay Village, Florida Michael Kendall Ascot, Berkshire, United Kingdom Gold Members (200 or more countries) Katrin Sif Einarsdottir Kopavogur, Iceland Judith Henderson-Cleland Little Rock, Arkansas William Henderson-Cleland Little Rock, Arkansas…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Adams, John T. Ammann, Brigitta Weder Antill, Robyn Askin, Kelly Bernal, Raoul Bleach, Peter Burdell, James Burns, Bonnie Casey, Sean Cole, Jonathan D. Coulson, Lawrence Allan Eagleson, Jane Einarsdottir, Katrin Sif Fry, Bronwyn Taylor Gallagher, Terrence P. Ha, Chin Mui…
Two New Countries Added to TCC List
We are pleased to announce the addition of two new destinations to the Travelers’ Century Club list of countries and territories. Our list now stands at 327. They are: Akrotiri and Dhekelia South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Both are British Overseas Territories and qualify under Rule 1: “Any geographic area with a sovereign government…
June Meeting Planned for Arkansas TCC Chapter
The next meetng of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on Saturday, June 9, at 11:30 a.m. at Samantha’s Tap Room & Wood Grill at 11:30. Samantha’s is at 322 Main Street in Little Rock (Web site at The topic will be “Travel surprises on an otherwise planned itenerary.” Hopefully this will be unexpected…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
All TCC Members Welcome to Attend September 2018 Germany Chapter Meeting in Leipzig
Dear Fellow Travellers, It is my pleasure to announce the 2018 Meeting of the German TCC Chapter in Leipzig, Germany. It is being held in the InterCity Hotel Leipzig on Saturday, Sept. 1. The meeting is an open meeting for all TCC members interested. Please see the preliminary program below, and be aware of the…
Northern California Chapter Meeting on Saturday, March 3
WHEN: Saturday, March 3, 2018 11:00 a.m. – Social Hour 12:00 p.m. – Lunch WHERE: Basque Cultural Center 599 Railroad Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 (free parking) SPEAKER: Margo Bart — Eastern Europe Margo will present her recent trip to Eastern Europe. With JoAnn Schwartz as her travel companion, the two started their…
Mediterranean Chapter Meeting on March 3 in Altafulla, Spain
The Mediterranean TCC Chapter will have a dinner/meeting on March 3 to honor the people in Spain and Portugal that have visited all 193 U.N. countries. We also hope to attract some from Belgium and Sweden. TCC members from other chapters are welcome! Just contact our Coordinator General Martin Garrido ( If you have been…
Report From the February 2018 TCC Gathering in Sarasota
On Feb. 15 the Southwest Florida TCC Chapter had a luncheon meeting at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota. Several of our regular attendees were on trips to Rome, India or on a cruise, so our normal attendance was under-represented. Nonetheless, the attendees had lively discussions on travels to the Antarctic, Central Asia, China…
Chicago-Area TCC Chapter to Meet in Winnetka on May 12
We will kick off the 21st year of the Chicago-area TCC Chapter with a meeting on Saturday, May 12, from 1 to 3 p.m. The meeting will take place at the home of Thomas and Ellen Flannigan in Winnetka, on Lake Michigan about 20 miles north of downtown Chicago. Contact Thomas for details.