This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
The Lawlers Sail the Seas But Gloria Gets the Globe!
TCCers Michael and Barbara Lawler captivated an engaging crowd of 62 members and guests with their tales of circumnavigating the world aboard their 47-foot cutter-rigged sailboat, Traveler, focusing on their adventures in Yemen, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Meeting at the Newport Beach Yacht Club on March 10, Charter Chapter attendees were…
Northern California TCC Chapter to Meet June 2 in Berkeley
WHEN: Saturday, June 2, 2018 11 a.m. – Social Hour – use door to the right if main door locked 12 noon – Lunch WHERE: Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto 1919 4th Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Street parking or validated parking for 90 minutes SPEAKERS: Nick Bowles and Mike Bowles – The Northwest Passage Nick, a…
Report From the April 2018 United Kingdom Chapter Meeting in London
TheTravelers’ Century Club United Kingdom Chapter held its spring 2018 meeting on Sunday, April 22, at the Zetland Arms, South Kensington, London. We hosted a record number of 35 people in attendance. Our group included U.K. and Irish based members. We also welcomed TCC members from the Netherlands, the Gambia and the United States. Several provisional…
Antarctica Presentation Planned for the May 2018 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting in Toronto
Hello World Travelers, I look forward to seeing everyone at our first 2018 meeting at 12 noon on Saturday, May 26, at The Hive office (544 King St. West in downtown Toronto). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in…
Colorado Chapter Update: January and April Meetings Held in Denver
The first 2018 meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter was held on Jan. 18 at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant in Denver. Richard Lion presented photos from his trip to Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, cities at the juncture of the old Silk Road. Fifteen attendees heard about these cities that were prosperous, powerful centers of…
2018 Colorado Chapter Meetings Scheduled for April, July and October
The Colorado Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will hold its next meeting on Thursday, April 19, at 6 p.m. at The Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway in Denver). Thanks to Richard Lion for his informative presentation in January. Our Presentation: “Israel Today.” Brenda Gottschalk will present photos and stories from her recent trip.…
June 2018 New York Chapter Gathering at Hurley’s Saloon in Manhattan
Join Travelers’ Century Club Tri-State members for a meetup on Thursday, June 7, in New York City. Bring fellow TCC members and those that should be members. Thursday, June 7, 6-8 p.m. Hurley’s Saloon 232 W 48th St, New York, NY 10036 (212) 765-8981 Cash bar (no cover). Must be 21+ to enter. This is…
Details on May 2018 Pacific Northwest Chapter Meeting in Seattle
The Seattle Pacific Northwest Chapter welcomes Jon and Ben Nickel-D’Andrea of the website No Mas Coach for a presentation on using the Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan and its partner airlines to country collect in style on a budget. If you’ve ever wanted to take a shower in a flight (Emirates First Class), don’t miss this…
March 2018 Tri-State Meetup in New York City
Join Travelers’ Century Club Tri-State members for a meetup on Monday, March 19, at Hurley’s Saloon in Times Square. Bring fellow TCC members and those that should be members. Cash bar (no cover). Must be 21+ to enter. This is a non-public event open only to those who receive an invitation and their guests. Contact…
Report From the November 2017 United Kingdom Chapter Meeting in London
The TCC United Kingdom Chpater held its late autumn meeting on Sunday, Nov. 19, at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London. Our group included U.K. and Irish based members, as well as those from the Czech Republic and the United States. We had two speakers at our meeting, who were both well received. Our…
December 2017 Northern California Meeting Held in Berkeley
Fifty-nine members and guests gathered at Spengers Fresh Fish Grotto in Berkeley on Dec. 2 to hear Frank Rainer speak about a voyage to Bouvet Island.
Report From the December 2017 Kansas City Chapter Gathering
At the most recent Kansas City Chapter gathering, Trudy Nepstad gave an enjoyable presentation on her trip to Timbuktu and Mali. The trivia question asked what national capital is at the lowest elevation. Lanny Brewer (who had just returned from there) correctly guessed Baku, Azerbaijan, 92 feet below sea level.
Philadelphia Chapter Members Share Winter Travel Updates Over Pakistani Meal
On Jan. 29, members gathered at halal Pakistani restaurant Wah-Gi-Wah in University City, Philadelphia. Everyone shared the latest on their winter travels, encompassing an Arctic Circle train ride with a surprise New Year’s celebration with Russian villagers, to island-hopping through balmy Micronesia and exploring the Polynesian warrior city of Nan Madol. Gold star to James…
New York Chapter Update: Meetings at Arabesque and Hurley’s
Coordinator Lynn Simmons reports that the New York TCC Chapter’s December meeting was held in the Arabesque Restaurant, which served 25 attendees for an enjoyable North African lunch. At the meeting, Richard Yee reviewed his trip to Kenya and Tanzania, which included a photo safari and an excursion to Zanzibar. He focused on the tourist…
January Atlanta Chapter Meeting Featured Engaging Presentation on Rio de Janeiro
The Atlanta TCC Chapter met on Saturday, Jan. 27, at the home of Suellyn Tornay. There were 29 people in attendance, including several brand new members to the Travelers’ Century Club. Alla and Charles Campbell gave a presentation on a trip to Rio de Janeiro that fortuitously coincided with Carnival. They had many exciting stories…