This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
March 2018 Kansas City Chapter Update
Twenty members and guests attended the March 30 meeting of the TCC chapter in Kansas City. Mr. John Dranchak, who recently moved to the area from Denver, presented an interesting program on his trip to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The trivia question was presented in two parts: What country has three capitals? (Answer: South Africa),…
TCC Art-Travel Weekend Meeting in Bentonville, Arkansas, Was a Great Success
The weekend of March 23-25 saw the Arkansas, St. Louis, Kansas City and Texas/Oklahoma TCC chapters convene in a unique location to share travel experiences, enjoy gourmet food and drink, and explore the world of great art. While we’re accustomed to making discoveries on distant continents, nearly 50 TCC members discovered … Bentonville, Arkansas! Charles…
March 2018 Southeast Florida Chapter Meeting
A fun and interesting time was had by all at the beautiful international home of Gisela and Gene Harris. Members and guests gave oral reports of where they had been and where they are going, and a fun game of travel trivia was played.
Report From the March 2018 Mediterrean Chapter Gathering
On March 3 a TCC meeting and dinner was organized in the TCC Mediterranean Chapter’s clubhouse (a beautiful private book museum and medieval bread oven) in Altafulla, near Barcelona. The purpose was to listen to and get to know the five Spanish travelers who have visited the 193 UN states (The Big Five). Unfortunately, one…
Mongolia and Tibet Presentation Highlights February 2018 Meeting in La Jolla
Forty-one TCC members and guests gathered on Saturday, Feb. 10, at the La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy for a catered paella lunch. TCC member David Brezic gave a slide presentation on Mongolia and Tibet.
Destination: French Antarctica
By David Langan Born in Dublin, Ireland, David Langan fell in love with travel and culture through stamp collecting as a child. There is no post office too remote for him to travel to, having visited over 300 TCC destinations. This is part of a continuing series of some of our most challenging places to…
TCC Member Spotlight: Bill Altaffer, San Diego, California
Bill Altaffer is one of the few TCC members who have completed the list. Not only that, but he’s visited over 950 UNESCO World Heritage sites, plus every oblast, krai, and republic of Russia. He has also surfed on every continent. I’ve been impassioned with travel since early childhood. Perhaps it began when I was…
Introducing Amanda Davis, Our New Coordinator for Sarasota, Florida
Amanda Davis has been a TCC member since 2011 and has visited 164 countries to date. She currently lives in St. Pete Beach, Florida. Amanda prefers longer journeys spanning several months. Twice, she has taken a sabbatical to travel for a year. The past few years she has been semi-nomadic traveling six or seven months…
The More Remote the Place is in the World, the More Likely You’ll Find TCC’ers
David Brezic from San Diego reports: An itinerary that includes seldom-visited ports of call, you might expect TCC members to show up. That’s exactly what happened on Silversea’s Silver Cloud expedition repositioning cruise. By asking around and with some announcement assistance of the crew, we identified 12 current members aboard when the ship departed Cape…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Semester at Sea Experiences Shared With Indiana Chapter Members
The Indiana Chapter had an outstanding meeting on Saturday, May 26. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, we heard and saw an excellent presentation by Dr. Bernard J. Strenecky and his wife, Eileen, who have sailed around the…
Well Traveled: June 2018
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Diamond Members (300 or more countries) W. Lynn Bishop Davis, West Virginia Robert K. Ihsen Covina, Californiam Stefan Krasowski Seattle, Washington Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Henri J. Mackor West Warwick, Rhode Island Kalman Stern Yonkers, New York…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Aban, Jr., Canares F. Axelsson, Jan Balcer, Marc J. Benito, Fernando Hontiyuelo Bourne, Remy Bracht, Robert Brauchli, Stefan Clyborne, Ronald Conradi, Carl Davis, Janet Marie Dohrmann, Russ Ellner, Bruce Ellner, Cynthia Fyfe, David Gandenberger, Georg Gettings, Nathan Haffey, Deborah T.…
An Update From the West Florida (Sarasota) TCC Chapter
The West Florida TCC Chapter met on April 27 at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota. Discussion was lively and varied. We have diverse interests represented. Members are traveling to scuba dive, enjoy opera, observe animals, experience historical sites, and watch events like the Calgary Stampede. Duration varies greatly within this group as well.…
An Invitation to the June 2018 Los Angeles Area Meeting
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, June 9, at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles. Northern California member Margo Bart will present on her trip to Eastern Europe last year. With our President JoAnn Schwartz as a travel companion, the two started…