This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Report From the September 2017 Indiana Chapter Meeting
The Indiana Chapter had an outstanding meeting on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, we heard an outstanding presentation by Sally Brown Bassett, Ph.D. She is the former president/CEO of the Ambassadair Travel Club,…
Chapter Focus: St. Louis, Missouri
One of the advantages of TCC membership is the opportunity to attend chapter meetings throughout the US, Canada, and Europe and share stories with like-minded fellow travelers. You can expect a warm welcome at any of our meetings. If traveling, be sure to check out chapter dates on our Web site. Meet the St. Louis,…
TCC Member Spotlight: David Langan, Dublin, Ireland
Born and lived in Dublin all my life. I started to think about travel, I guess, in my early teens while looking at maps. I soon developed a love of Geography. It was when I started to collect British Commonwealth stamps in the early 1970s that I started to learn and have a fascination with…
Introducing Our New Chapter Coordinator for Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Kelly Thomas has been a member of the Travelers’ Century Club since 2016. Along with traveling to all seven continents, she has been to 129 countries and is still counting! Kelly lived in Indonesia for several years as a child and has traveled extensively with her family. Her aunt is also a TCC member…
On the Road: TCC Gathering at the Micronation of Liberland
On Oct. 20-21, the Free Republic of Liberland, a micronation situated in the Danube River between Serbia and Croatia, hosted a gathering of extreme travelers, including several TCC members. Croatian police boats prevented any landing, but nevertheless a good time was had by all.
Save the Dates: TCC International Meeting in Barcelona
As announced in the September 2017 edition of The Centurian, the rescheduled International Meeting will be held in 2018. The meeting has been scheduled for October 6-7 in Barcelona. Mark your calendars! The board is now working on the program and details will be announced as that information becomes available.
Well Traveled: December 2017
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Robert Montgomery North Ogden, Utah David Netzer West Barnstable, Massachusetts Karin B. Sinniger Vlaeberg, South Africa Gold Members (200 or more countries) Charles A. Campbell Greensboro, Georgia Frans Lettenström Tarragona, Spain Larry Mathis…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Barlow, Diane T. Beckta, Kelly Borowski, Robert J. Bowe, Patrice Bretton, Danielle Caslow, Richard Chen, Victoria Crowson, Bill Ding, Wei Durow, Gary Freitas, Carlos Giacullo, David Jonathan Goodwin, Sam Gupta, Sachinder N. Heuman, Karen Kassim, Farook Kennedy, Michael Likins, Jennifer…
Report From the November 2017 Arkansas Chapter Meeting
The fall 2017 meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter was held on the Nov. 18 at Benihanas in North Little Rock. All told of their last and future trip. And additional topic discussed, as cliche as it is, was “how travel has changed my life.” The next meeting will be March 23-25, 2018, at Crystal…
Travel Fraud Warning
Over the last month we have received multiple reports of fraudulent activity by a past member of the Travelers’ Century Club in the form of travel offers for which monies were collected, followed by trip cancellations with no refunds offered. The total amount of the fraud is estimated at greater than $700,000, and some TCC…
Dues Renewal Notice for 2018
The 2018 dues renewal notices will be sent out in early December. This year we are using a separate address in Cupertino, California to expedite dues processing. Our Los Angeles address will continue to be the primary mailing address for all other correspondence.
New Atlanta TCC Chapter Established, With Four Meetings Scheduled in 2018
The first official meeting of the Atlanta TCC Chapter was held on Saturday, Oct. 28. Seventeen members and guests from the greater Atlanta area met at Barcelona Westside Ironworks for a delicious tapas brunch. Members introduced themselves and shared recent and future traveling experiences. Highlights included hearing about cruises to Antarctica, traveling across the Indian…
Focus on Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar at December 2017 New York Chapter Meeting
Lynn Simmons reports that the New York TCC Chapter met on Oct. 21 at the Dafni Greek Taverna in Manhattan with 41 attending. Lloyd Lapidow spoke on Albania. In attendance were two guests from Albania: Katie and Vahide Hysengegasi, and a new member from India: A.S.R. Murthy. The next meeting will be held on Dec.…
Amazon River Program Planned for February Indiana Chapter Lunch
The next meeting of the Indiana TCC Chapter is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Seasons 52 restaurant. It is located at 8650 Keystone Crossing, which is close to I-465 on the north side of Indianapolis. TCC members and other avid travelers are invited. We are very pleased…
Northern California TCC Chapter to Meet Dec. 2 in Berkeley
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017 11:00 am – Social Hour – use door to the right if main door locked 12:00 pm – Lunch WHERE: Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto 1919 4th Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Street parking or validated parking for 90 minutes SPEAKER: Frank Rainer – Bouvet Bound In 2015 Frank and a few…