This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Kansas City TCC Chapter Update
Coordinator Steve Fuller reports that the chapter gathered on March 25 at Trezo Mare Restaurant in the Briarcliff Center in Kansas City North. Dr. Arlene Segal talked about her several trips to some of the most remote places in the world, including Tristan da Cunha, Easter Island and the North and South Poles. The remaining…
Indiana Members Enjoy Steve Fuller’s Presentation About Traveling the Back Roads of India
Area Coordinator Frank Basile reports that the Indiana Chapter had another excellent meeting on Saturday, March 19. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, Steve Fuller gave an excellent presentation titled “Traveling the Back Roads of India.” It stimulated…
Southeast Florida Chapter to Meet on April 10 in Boynton Beach
Area Coordinator Jan Novar reports that member Marlene Soloman recently returned from a whale-watching cruise in the Sea of Cortez and has graciously offered her place in Boynton Beach for our next Southeast Florida TCC Chapter meeting on Sunday, April 10, from 2-5 p.m. Leon Hochman will present a visual documentary about how he has…
Greek Member Charalampos Bizas Reaches Tokelau; Only Three More to Go
Photos From the February 2016 San Diego Chapter Meeting in La Jolla
Area Coordinator Jeff Ward reports that 31 members met on Feb. 13 at the La Jolla Sheraton Hotel. Matt Allison gave a presentation on two of his recent trips — exploring a huge wild cave in central Vietnam, and visiting a remote rural village in Niger. See more photos from the event below. The next…
Texas/Oklahoma Chapter to Meet in April at the 1940 Air Terminal Museum in Houston
Our first TCC meeting of 2016 will be held in Houston on April 9. Sylvia has arranged for us to have the meeting at a fun new location that will educate us about aviation history. Here are the details on logistics and RSVP: Next Member Meeting – April 9: Featured Speaker: Paul Clites will reveal…
Arkansas Meeting Tentatively Planned for April 30
The next Arkansas Chapter meeting is tentatively planned for Saturday, April 30. We welcome everyone’s input on this. Samanthas worked well for lunch at the Fall meeting in November. The topic will be “Random Acts of Kindness Extended by Locals in Our Travels.” —Anna & Steven Clift, Area Coordinators
St. Louis Chapter Meeting Set for Saturday, May 14
The next St. Louis Chapter Meeting is set for Saturday, May 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Edgewild Restaurant & Winery (Chesterfield Mall, 550 Chesterfield Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017, telephone 636-532-0550). The program, “The Best of the Philippines and the United Airlines Island Hopper,” will be presented by Linda Bell of the Little…
Details Announced for April 2016 UK Chapter Meeting in London
Dear Travelers’ Century Club Member, The Travelers’ Century Club UK are pleased to announce that we will be holding our Spring 2016 meeting on Sunday, 24th April 2016 at The Large Vault Private Dining Room Tuttons Covent Garden 11/12 Russell Street London WC2B 5HZ Tel 020 7632 2981 We are also pleased to announce our…
Report From the January 2016 Arizona Chapter Meeting
At a well-attended Arizona Chapter meeting on Jan 30, Area Coordinator Matt Cohen gave on AV presentation about his trip to several countries in Southern Africa. Also, his photo book was on display and discussed. Matt provided tips in writing and producing the books and some travel photography tips. The Blurb book is challenging to meet often multi purposes, and there…
TCC Chapter in Mainland China?
Although there are several TCC members in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the first member from Mainland China was Arthur Zhang from Shanghai, who became a member during the TCC 60th Anniversary cruise to Mexico in October 2014. A few more Chinese members have since been added. Arthur would like to form a TCC chapter in…
Report From the 2015 SoCal Holiday Lunch at Lawry’s in Beverly Hills
At the December TCC Southern California lunch in Beverly Hills, the adventuress Pam Barrus highlighted her three-week hike this past summer along Great Britain’s Thames Path. The entertaining presentation included the history along the way, and photos of the bucolic countryside today as well as photos of paintings of the earlier life along the 184-mile…
Illinois Chapter Meeting on April 9 in Winnetka
Area Coordinator Tom Flannigan will host a meeting of Chicago-area TCC members at his home in Winnetka, Ill., from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 9.
Update From the West Florida TCC Chapter
Lillian O’Leary, Area Coordinator, reports that the West Florida TCC Chapter met on Jan. 14 and enjoyed lunch at Sarasota’s University Park Country Club. The 11 who attended related their recent travel experiences. The group welcomed back Amanda Davis, who had been traveling for several months. Charlene Doll shared pictures of her recent trip to Morocco. Herbert Roessiger…
Pennsylvania Members Enjoy Presentation About Middle Eastern Archaeological Sites
A Middle East archaeologist, Jill Weber, was the speaker at the Jan. 31 meeting of the Philadelphia chapter, reports Coordinator Jane Berryman. It was held at Zahav, a popular Israeli restaurant. Check back for information on the chapter’s next meeting.