This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Date Change for 204 Miami Area TCC Holiday Party, Now on Dec. 6
Bob Petrik will host the Southeast Florida Chapter’s holiday party on on Saturday, Dec, 6, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Davie, Florida. Each guest will be asked to bring a wrapped travel souvenir for a fun gift exchange. Please also bring finger foods to share, and BYOB. Please RSVP to Area Coordinator Jan Novar,…
Members’ Holiday Show & Tell Planned for Eastern Canada Event
Hello World Travelers, Here is a reminder about our next TCC Eastern Canada Meeting, featuring our “Members’ Holiday Show & Tell.” Hard to believe that another busy year of travel is coming to a close with our third TCC Eastern Canada meeting of the year scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 6, at noon at The Hive office…
Illinois TCC Chapter Members Mourn the Passing of Kurt Schafer
Sadly, Area Coordinator Thomas Flannigan reports that the scheduled host for the October chapter meeting, Kurt Shafer, unexpectedly passed away in September at his home in Chatsworth, Illinois. Kurt had attended the first TCC chapter meeting in the area in 1997 and “charmed the attendees.” Tom notes that Kurt had just published a travel book,…
Report From the October 2014 Arizona Meeting at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix
Area Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that the Oct. 19 Phoenix meeting was at noon in a private room at the Desert Botanical Garden. Some of the members provided lunch, and Matt and his wife, Dedrie, covered the admission fee for those who were not members of the DBG. Guest speaker was the director of the…
Circumnavigators and the Travelers’ Century Club
Parrish and Hughes Visit Tristan de Cunha
“Tristan is one of those places that every traveler treasures,” states Chicago-based Don Parrish. “It is unique. It requires weeks on a ship for even an attempt at a landing the way I did it.” He was on Nightingale Island the following day for several hours. The ship made a complete circumnavigation of Inaccessible Island,…
New York Members Enjoy Presentation About West Africa Voyage
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons reports that the New York chapter met for lunch at the Arabesque restaurant on Oct. 18. Beth Belkonen shared photos and experiences of her 32-day voyage in April and May on an expedition ship, along…
December NorCal Meeting in Berkeley to Focus on Expeditions to Mount Everest and Meseta de Ichun
Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that the Dec. 13 meeting will be at Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto in Berkeley. The speaker will be Jeff Shea who will talk about his summit of Mount Everest and his two expeditions in 2013 and 2014 to the Meseta de Ichun area of Venezuela. Cynthia Reed gave a presentation on…
November Meeting Planned for Denver-Area TCC Members
Denver’s last chapter meeting of 2014 will be on Nov. 20 at the Garlic Knot, a new restaurant for the group, notes Phyllis McGuire, Area Co-Coordinator. Patrick Quinlan will give a presentation on his trip to the United Arab Emirates, Oman and an Adriatic cruise to Italy, Greece and Turkey. At the Sept. 18 dinner…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. If you are not already registered in this social network website for TCC members only, e-mail your request to Include your name, address and the e-mail address…
Pictures From the September 2014 SoCal Luncheon in Laguna Beach
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] At the TCC September lunch at the Mozambique restaurant in Laguna Beach, Elisa Kotin gave an enthusiastic and professional presentation on her many month-long adventures in Uganda and Rwanda, and on her encounters with the gorillas. She’s pictured…
An Invitation to the December 2014 SoCal Luncheon in Beverly Hills
Southern California members are reminded that the December lunch at Lawry’s in Beverly Hills this year is on the first Saturday — December 6 — not the second Saturday as is our custom. Speaker Deborah Lindholm will talk about her travels to Liberia . She is the Founder & CEO of the Foundation for Women,…
Extreme Travelers Gather in Chechna
In an effort to bring together “extreme travelers” at a befitting location and to enhance a “community spirit,” the World Extreme Traveler International Congress (ETIC) was held in October in Grozny, Chechna. These country collectors are members of the Traveler’s Century Club (TCC) and the Most Traveled People (MTP) and The Best Traveled People (TBT)…
Promoting TCC Membership
When traveling, TCC members usually encounter other travelers who like to talk about all the places they have visited. Why not ask them how many countries they think they have visited. If the numbers are high you could tell them about the Travelers’ Century Club. They probably have not heard of our organization. Suggest they…
Well Traveled: December 2014
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled! Special Award Mr. Bob H. Henson (324) Hoover, AL Diamond Member (300 or more countries) John Christoforidis, MD Tucson, AZ Mr. Markus Lundgren Stockholm, Sweden Platinum Member (250 or more countries) Mr. Bill Ashley Washington DC Gold Members (200…