This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Report From the December 2014 Eastern Canada Gathering
Hello World Travelers, In December we had a very interesting meeting with Eastern Canada TCC members providing some fascinating passport stories and “wish lists” of travel destinations. The group was asked to bring a current or expired passport with their most interesting/coveted stamp and/or visa from a country visited, and a little description of why it…
February San Diego Meeting to Feature a Presentation About the Caucasus Region
Area Coordinator Jeff Ward has announced plans for a February San Diego Chapter luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015, at the La Jolla Sheraton Hotel (3299 Holiday Court, telephone (858) 453-5500. The cost os $40 per person (no host bar). The speaker will be Bill Altaffer, presenting on the topic of the Caucasus and beyond. Click…
Report From the December 2014 Northern California Meeting in Berkeley
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that Jeff Shea delivered a fascinating presentation at the December Northern California meting in Berkeley, including accounts of two expeditions to the Meseta de Ichun, an unexplored region in southern Venezuela. Four members were…
Colorado Members to Learn About the Denver Sister Cities Program at January Meeting
The next meeting of the Denver TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, Jan. 15, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 South Broadway, Denver, CO 80209, telephone 303-698-2800). This restaurant is on the west side of Broadway, just north of Interstate 25. We met here last May and had a great time…
About the New TCC Facebook Page
The URL for the nw TCC Facebook page is You’ll also find a permanent link to our Facebook page on the TCC Web site, below the club contact informationon the right-hand side of the home page. How to connect to the TCC Facebook Page For Facebook users: If you have a Facebook logon, it’s…
Photos From the December 2014 New York Lunch
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The New York TCC Chapter met on Dec. 13 at Pampano Restaurant in Manhattan. Speaker Susan Chen made a presentation about her volunteer work and sightseeing in the Galapagos Islands, with a clever blend of photographs and video.
Details Announced for the May 2015 TCC United Kingdom Gathering
The Travelers’ Century Club UK will be holding our next meeting on Sunday, May 10, 2015, in the Terrace Bar, a private meeting room upstairs with an outdoor balcony and panoramic view of the Thames and St Paul’s Cathedral, at the Doggett’s Coat and Badge 1 Blackfriars Bridge London SE1 9UD 0207 633 9081 The…
Report From the November 2014 St. Louis TCC Chapter Meeting at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park
The Saint Louis TCC Chapter had another excellent meeting on Sunday, Nov. 9, in which we had a record turnout of 27 attendees. TCC members were joined by several members of the International Travel Cub of Saint Louis who are potential TCC members. The activities began with an enjoyable brunch at Bixby’s Restaurant in the…
Indiana Members Learn About Spain’s Historic Camino de Santiago
The Indiana Chapter had another excellent meeting on Saturday, Nov. 22. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, we heard and saw an excellent presentation titled “On the Road Again, and Again, and Again” by David Cook, who is the…
TCC Profiled in Article by Indiana Chapter Coordinator Frank Basile
In November, the Indianapolis Business Journal published a profile of the Travelers’s Century Club written by our own Frank Basile, Coordinator of the TCC Indiana Chapter. Frank, an occasional columnist for the publication, is an author, professional speaker, philanthropist, community volunteer and retired executive of Gene B. Glick Co. The article begins with a brief account…
November 2014 Arkansas Meeting Explored Gastronomic Adventures
The final meeting of 2014 for the TCC Arkansas Chapter was held on Nov. 8. The lunch was at a local favorite, Trios. We had a very lively discussion, catching up on everyone’s adventures. Linda Bell was so gracious to have the meeting at her house even though she had just returned from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. She made a…
December 2014 Kansas City Chapter Update
The TCC Kansas City Chapter met on Dec. 5 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. Approximately 26 members and guests were entertained by University of Missouri Kansas City Professor Nick Petroff. He presented an “old school” slide shown of a fascinating trip he took to Namibia. The trivia question was what geographic trait was shared by the nations…
Holiday Sing-a-Long at the 2014 Southeast Florida Gathering
New York Coordinator Volunteers to Assist Foreign Students With English Language Learning
An Invitation to the December 2015 SoCal Luncheon in Beverly Hills
Date: Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 Place: Lawry’s The Prime Rib, 100 N. La Cienega Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA, telephone (310) 652-2827 [click to view the Lawry’s website] Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Luncheon & Program Cost: Members and guests, $50 per person; non-members (not guests), $75. Includes wine, tax and…