This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Colorado Chapter Mourns the Passing of Founding Member Joan Madrid
We recently received the sad news that Joan Madrid, one of the founding members of the Colorado chapter, recently passed away. Our condolences to her family. The service will be on Feb. 20 at 11 a.m. at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Denver.
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Adams, Ms. Hilvania C. Adelman, Dr. Eugene R. Andrews, Mr. Jim Augustine, Ms. Jill M. Biga, Ms. Kay Bloedorn, Ms. Donna Bradley, Mr. John H. Braun, Mr. Robert Burlingame, Ms. Natalie H. Carson, Mr. Carl Wesley Carson, Ms. Carol S.…
Well Traveled: March 2015
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled! Special Award Mrs. Phyllis Henson (324) Birmingham, AL Gold Members (200 or more countries) Ms. Ledean Hamilton Glasgow, KY Mr. Thomas O. Morris Coventry, England, UK Silver Members (150 or more countries) Ms. Suzanne Bedke Brookings, OR Ms. Margo…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($75 domestic and $85 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
An Invitation to the March 2015 SoCal Luncheon in Newport Beach
Faye Girsh, a retired clinical and forensic psychologist, will give a presentation on Saudi Arabia at the March14 TCC luncheon-meeting at Fleming’s Steakehouse in Newport Beach, California. She traveled alone, with a guide, to Saudi Arabia in December 2012. Though she has visited nearly 200 countries, and lived for awhile in the Middle East, she…
February Meeting Planned for TCC Members in the Washington, DC Area
The next meeting of the Greater Washington, DC Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be held on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015, at noon. The group will meet at at J. Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia (6930 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22101, telephone 703-893-1034). Please confirm whether you will attend. I look forward to…
All TCC Members Invited to Join the U.K. Chapter’s September 2015 International Meeting in Prague
Area Coordinator Donna Marsh reports that the TCC United Kingdom Chapter is organizing a three-day meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, from Sept. 18 to 20, 2015. The chapter extends a special invitation to all other TCC Members worldwide to join in this international gathering. Members are encouraged to invite a guest if they wish. The…
Report From the December 2014 Western Canada Gathering
The Western Canada group may have had a small get-together, but we certainly enjoyed lively conversations centered around interesting travel experiences. Unfortunately, our guest speaker and TCC member, Patti, was unable to be present for the meeting, but Leo Brietzke and Ray Tharp stole the show with their stories. If you ask any Canadian the…
Great Food and Conversation at the January 2015 Colorado Chapter Event
At our January meeting, 19 TCC members and guests turned out for great food and conversation at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant. Beth Hendrix, Executive Director of Denver Sister Cities International, spoke about the history and current programs associated with Denver’s 10 sister cities. In 1948, Denver gained its first sister city, Brest, France, the second…
Illinois Chapter Meeting on March 28 in Winnetka
Area Coordinator Tom Flannigan will host a meeting of Chicago-area TCC members at his home in Winnetka, Ill., from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 28.
A Video Retrospective of the TCC’s 60th Anniversary Cruise
In celebration of our 60th anniversary, the Travelers’ Century Club invited members from around the world to join us for a special Pacific Coast cruise in October 2014. This three-day voyage aboard Princess Cruises’ Golden Princess traveled round-trip from Los Angeles to Ensenada, embarking Friday, Oct. 24,. and returning on the morning of Monday, Oct.…
Arizona Chapter to Meet on Feb. 8
Area Coordinator Matt Coehen will host the next Arizona Chapter gathering at his home on Sunday, Feb. 8. Matt will give a presentation about Madagascar and Maputo. Another meeting will be scheduled in April or May.
First New York TCC Luncheon of 2015 Set For March 14
Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons has announced plans for the next New York Luncheon on Saturday, March 14, from noon to 3 p.m. Guest speaker Laurie Campbell will give a presentation about the Antarctic Islands of New Zealand. For this first meeting of 2015, the group will return to Arabesque, at 4 East 36th Street between…
New England Luncheon Planned for July 2015
During the cold winter days in Boston, Area Coordinator Dave Santulli is suggesting that his New England members think of the warm summer days ahead. That’s because the next New England TCC Chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2015 in Springfield, Mass., from 12:30 to 3 p.m. at the home of Anush…
Northern California Member Profiled in SF Chronicle Travel Section
Northern California member Margo Bart was profiled in a recent edition of the San Francisco Chronicle travel section. As a contributor to the newspaper’s “Just Back” feature, which includes a reader’s photo and brief account of a recent journey, Margo describes her recent trip to Bhutan. Click here to view the report online »