This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Arndt, Ms. Anette Arrington, Mr. Michael B. Battersby, Ms. Susan Becht, Ms. Laurie Benrud, Mr. Erik Charles Christoforidis, MD, John Brady, Ms. Margo Collier, Mr. Mitch Collier, Mrs. Kathy Hannibalston, Ingjaldur Learson, Ms. Lynn Mandy Lisowski, Mr. Andrew H. Lovestead,…
Pictures From the TCC’s 60th Anniversary Pacific Coast Cruise
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] In celebration of our 60th anniversary, the Travelers’ Century Club invited members from around the world to join us for a special Pacific Coast cruise in October 2014. This three-day voyage aboard Princess Cruises’ Golden Princess traveled round-trip from…
November 2014 Meeting for Arkansas-Area TCC Members & Guests
The next Arkansas-area meeting of the Traveler’s Century Club will be Saturday, Nov. 8, starting at 11:30-noonish in the private dining area at Trio’s Restaurant, where we will have lunch. We will have a semicircular table for 15 to 17 estimated, easily up- or downsized but we need a rough head count. Linda Bell will…
Report From the October 2014 Texas/Oklahoma Meeting
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held our last meeting of the year at the downtown Dallas office of Lyda Hill (Silver), a change from the originally planned Flight Museum due to a storm-related electrical outage. We were fortunate to have…
October San Diego Meeting Features Presentation About Brazil
Arizona TCC Chapter to Meet at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix
We are excited about our Oct. 19 meeting at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. at noon. The speaker will be the director of the sister cities program for the City of Phoenix. Lunch will be provided thanks to the generosity of some of our members: Dedrie and I are covering the admission fees for…
TCC Profiled in Southern California Public Radio Report
The Travelers’ Century Club was the focus of a recent radio broadcast by Southern California Public Radio (SCPR), a prominent public media network serving the greater Los Angeles area. Reporter Alana Rinicella interviewed several current and provisional members for the segment, including past TCC president Pamela Barrus, filmmaker Craig Forrest and event planner Elisa Kotin.…
A Successful October Meeting of TCC U.K. and Ireland Members
Dear TCC Members, The TCC U.K. Chapter held its autumn meeting at the Doggetts Coat and Badge pub in London on Sunday, Oct. 5. Our group included U.K.-based members as well our Ireland-based members, John and June Barnett and David Langan. Jiri and Irina Prasil also traveled from Prague. Jan Nelson was our guest, as…
Report From the Sept. 2014 Philadelphia Chapter Meeting
The Philadelphia TCC Chapter met on Sunday, Sept. 28, and 14 members were in attendance to hear from two guest speakers: BBC regional journalist Carol Hinds, who addressed the role that the BBC plays in disseminating local news in the U.K., and Senegal émigré Mansour Faye, who relayed the challenges he faced as a young…
Report From the September 2014 West Florida Luncheon in Sarasota
Sarasota is a seasonal city – many residents are “snowbirds” and leave for other locations during the summer. I decided to see how many of our TCC members stuck around so I expected only four or five guests to show up. I was wrong – we had 11. The time could not have been better: of…
New York Chapter Meeting in October to Focus on an Expedition Along the West Coast of Africa
Dear Members and Friends, I am pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of the New York area’s Travelers’ Century Club on Saturday, Oct. 18, at noon. Member Beth Belkonen will share her photos and experiences from her 32-day trip on board an expedition ship in April/May of this year along the west…
Candidate for Future Expedition to Mars Addresses Eastern Canada Chapter Gathering in Toronto
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Hello World Travelers, Thank you all for being part of our TCC Eastern Canada meeting on Sept. 20 in downtown Toronto – perhaps one of our most interesting and informative meetings yet. First, our featured speaker Mr. Steve Fenech shared…
San Diego Area Meeting Scheduled for Oct. 11 in La Jolla
Area Coordinator Jeff Ward has announced plans for a fall luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 11, at the La Jolla Sheraton Hotel. The gathering will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a presentation about Brazil’s Pantanal by Diane Bell. The cost per person is $40, including a choice of Flat Iron Steak, Citrus…
Photos From the September 2014 Meeting in Frankfurt
The TCC Germany chapter hosted an international gathering on Saturday, Sept. 6, at the Inter City Hotel at the Frankfurt Main Rail Station. See photos from the event below:
Report From the September 2014 Washington, D.C. Area Meeting
The Washington, D.C. Chapter held a meeting on Sunday, Sept., 7, 2014, at J. Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia. At our last meeting, Michael Lamm asked everyone to share their “top three best places” within several categories. Michael presented results over lunch, which stimulated a lively discussion. Special TCC salute to Boo Law (pictured above)…