The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on Nov. 14 at at Samantha’s Tap Room, on Main Street in downtown Little Rock. Parking is available across the street, and the conference room upstairs is accessible by elevator. Lunch will be at noon, with the meeting to follow. The topic will be “Health…
The spring 2015 meeting of the Arkansas Chapter of The Travelers’ Century Club was held on May 2. The lunch was at Samantha’s private meeting room. In the spirit of that day’s Kentucky Derby, mint juleps were the drink du jour. See more photos below. Discussions included “miracles” in Ethiopia; life-changing experiences in Myramar; Bhutan;…
The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on Saturday, May 2. Please plan to join us in the upstairs room at Samantha’s Tap Room in downtown Little Rock between 11:30 a.m. and noon. After lunch we will move to the Clifts’ home for coffee and dessert. The meeting topic will be ”…
The final meeting of 2014 for the TCC Arkansas Chapter was held on Nov. 8. The lunch was at a local favorite, Trios. We had a very lively discussion, catching up on everyone’s adventures. Linda Bell was so gracious to have the meeting at her house even though she had just returned from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. She made a…
The next Arkansas-area meeting of the Traveler’s Century Club will be Saturday, Nov. 8, starting at 11:30-noonish in the private dining area at Trio’s Restaurant, where we will have lunch. We will have a semicircular table for 15 to 17 estimated, easily up- or downsized but we need a rough head count. Linda Bell will…
The May 2014 gathering of Arkansas-area TCC members was held at Debra and Denny Grandle‘s incredible home, with celluloid captured glimpses of rapidly vanishing cultures by photographer Denny “eat your heart out National Geographic” Grandle. Thanks for sharing your museum-worthy abode. The meeting began with a tribute to our departed Walter Kann. Memories of Walter…
The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter is set for Saturday, May 24. The group will gather for lunch at Skye, a Japanese restaurant in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center in Little Rock, then move to the nearby home of Debra and Denny Grandle for the meeting. The topic will be “Most Humorous Moments in Our…
Anna Asiatidou Clift was born in Greece. She was an Olympic Airline stewardess when she met Steven Clift in June 1973 in Egypt. He went on to become an M.D., currently a practicing gastroenterologist. Anna and Steven married and never lost the travel bug. Both Anna and Steven are also Explorer Club members, divemasters and…
Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
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