Northeast Florida/Southeast Georgia (Jacksonville)

Chapter Updates

  • September 2024 Updlate from the Northeast Florida/Southeast Georgia Chapter

    The September 2024 Northeast Florida Chapter meeting in Jacksonville welcomed new and existing members to Seasons 52.

    The Northeast Florida TCC Chapter met on Monday, Sept. 30, at Seasons 52 in Jacksonville.

    The meeting began with Susan and Russ Rosenberry, and Merry and Dave Binkley (guests from the Sarasota Chapter) sharing the highlights of the 2024 International Conference in the Azores. They praised the quality of the presentations, great organization of the meeting, wonderful tours in the Azores, and especially the fun and quality networking opportunities among the attendees.

    The topic then moved on to the recently announced 2026 International Conference in Istanbul, and everyone was encouraged to make plans to attend this meeting once the registration is open. The Rosenberrys also had a powerpoint and video presentation from their trip to Norway’s Lofoten Islands and incredible Svalbard in June. Mark Hill reported on a recent Northwest Passage cruise that he and his wife Pat experienced, including polar bear sightings and even an opportunity he had onboard ship to extoll the virtues of belonging to TCC to other passengers.

    All attendees summarized their recent and upcoming travels, and several members offered that they have travel blogs that can be accessed to view more details of their trips. And we were excited to welcome new members Bill and Carolyn Archdeacon (travels include three world cruises), and Paul Cosgrave and Robin Williams (90-day trip to Europe this summer including the Paris Olympics), as well as new member Jason Kahne who has lived and traveled abroad extensively.

Travelers' Century Club