This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
July Texas/Oklahoma Meeting to Be Held at the Houston Arboretum
2013 is flying by and we are nearing our third TCC TX/OK chapter meeting of the year. We will hold the next meeting at the Houston Arboretum on July 13, and are honored again to have Dr. Kay Champion (Gold Member) as our featured speaker. If you have never worried about receiving medical care in…
Following Successful June Reception, Indiana Members Look Forward to September Meeting
The Indiana Chapter had a very good meeting on June 8, 2013. During the reception, the members and their guests told anecdotes about their most interesting travels and, in general, shared experiences with like-minded fellow travelers. After a fine lunch, Dr. Ashok Van presented a very interesting and fun slide program titled “Roman Sites and…
Photos From the May 2013 New York Luncheon
TCC President Christopher Hudson will give the presentation at the next New York meeting on Saturday, Oct. 26. He will cover Pitcairn Island and the Tuamotos Islands. At the May 18 meeting, Laurie Campbell gave a presentation on Madagascar, islands in the Indian Ocean (Comoro, Mayotte, Mauritius, Seychelles) and Somaliland (see photos below). During the…
Dr. Inna Bakker Pays a Visit to TCC Headquarters
New Date for the September 2013 International Meeting in Munich
The next TCC international gathering in Germany is now scheduled for Sept. 6 to 9 in Munich. The gathering will feature a program of informative presentations and a club luncheon from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7, at the historic Eden Hotel Wolff. Admission to the all-day seminar (including lunch) is 75…
Presentation About Myanmar at the May 2013 Denver Area Meeting
Twenty-one members and guests attended the May 16 Denver area TCC meeting at the Blue Bonnet Mexican restaurant. Phyllis McGuire gave a presentation with photos and anecdotes from her February 2013 trip to Myanmar. See photos of the gathering below:
Report From the May 2013 Philadelphia Area Meeting
The Philadelphia Chapter met on May 19 at Moroccan/Mediterranean fusion restaurant Figs, with guest speaker Sherry Kumar discussing her organization, Eurocircle. The 14 members in attendance celebrated the chapter’s fourth anniversary with a Champagne toast, and a delicious three-course feast replete with mint tea and authentic delicacies. Sherry’s talk was right up our alley, with…
Arkansas TCC Members and Guests Share Memories of Turkey
On May 11, 2013, nine members and six guests assembled at the Lake Balboa home of Walter and Dolena Kann, in Hot Springs Village, following lunch at Tanners on the Green. The topic of the day was Turkey. Over coffee and dessert, Richard and Cora Lee Brannon outlined their recent three-week in-depth tour of this…
Report From the March 2013 SoCal Luncheon in Santa Monica
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow] Bob Ihsen regaled those who attended the March Southern California TCC meeting in Laguna Beach,with his slide presentation on the tribal states of Northeast India. The magnificent photography was followed by a question-and-answer period. Ihsen, a high school…
Two New Platinum Members Honored at March 2013 Meeting in Santa Monica
TCC Members and Prospective Members Meet During World Cruise
New Western Canada Chapter Schedules First Meeting in July
The first meeting of the new Western Canada Chapter will be on July 13. It will be a “Stampede BBQ” from noon to 4 p.m. at the Calgary home of Area Coordinator Tim Skeet and his wife, Lana. Special guests will be announced. It will be a get-acquainted meeting with members sharing their travel experiences.…
Presentation on the Caribbean at the March 2013 Northern California Luncheon
Area Coordinator Tim Carlson says the next meeting will be on June 1 at Spenger’s Restaurant in Berkeley. TCC Secretary Sanford Smith will discuss the TCC List of Countries & Territories. New TCC Board Member JoAnn Schwartz was the speaker at the March 2 luncheon meeting at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco.…
Arizona TCC Members Enjoyed Phoenix’s Desert Botanical Garden in February
Area Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that the next and final meeting for 2013 will be in June. Watch this page for location and date. Retired Ambassador Harold Norton will be the speaker. The Feb. 24 meeting was at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix (see photos above). Members toured the garden before and after the…
Report from the March 2013 Kansas City Area Lunch
The TCC Missouri Chapter met on March 29 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. Approximately 30 guests were entertained by longtime cruise directors Andy and Tammy Heath. Their accounts ranged from the glamorous (a private gathering with Polynesian royalty) to the unpleasant (enduring a nine-day trans-Atlantic crossing through a ferocious hurricane with three of the four engines…