This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Upcoming Eastern Canada Chapter Presentation: ‘As Far As You Can Go in All Six Directions’
Hello World Travelers, Spring is on the way, and that means our first 2013 TCC Eastern Canada meeting is coming up! In speaking with several of you, it sounds like there has been no shortage of travel for many of you so far this year! Jane and I recently got back from visiting friends in…
Record Attendance at the Spring 2013 Chicago Area TCC Meeting
Inaugural Meeting of the New Indiana TCC Chapter
The new Indiana TCC Chapter had a successful initial meeting on March 23, 2013. During the reception, members and their guests told anecdotes about their most interesting travels and, in general, shared experiences with like-minded fellow travelers. During the lunch portion, Greg Schmidt presented information on the club and its country count, the Most Traveled…
March 2013 Southeast Florida Gathering Hosted by Dr. Lee Duffner
In Memoriam: Past TCC President Jules Diebenow
Family and friends celebrated Jules Diebenow’s “Life Full of Adventure” on April 13, 2013. He died in March in Palau of heart complications, following a morning and afternoon of snorkeling. He was born 83 years ago in Portland, OR, but grew up in Bremerton, WA. He majored in accounting at the University of Washington. Soon…
An Invitation to the June 2013 SoCal Luncheon in Santa Monica
The Western Balkans – Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia – will be the subject of the presentation by Tom Getz at the June 8 Southern California meeting at Seasons 52 in Santa Monica. The program will feature candid portraits, architecture, museums, art, archeology, scenery, mosques and churches, markets and everyday scenes … all accompanied by ethnic music.…
Report From the Spring 2013 United Kingdom Meeting in London
The TCC United Kingdom Chapter held its spring 2013 meeting at the Waldorf Hilton in London on Sunday, March 10. Our small group included U.K,- based members as well as David Langan , who travelled over from Dublin. Our guest of honour was Mr. Graham Hughes. Mr Hughes has recently completed travel to all sovereign countries…
Your 2013 Travelers’ Century Club Board of Directors
Photos From the December 2012 SoCal Lunch in Beverly Hills
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New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of last year, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. If you are not already registered in this social network website for TCC members only, e-mail your request to Include your name, address and the e-mail…
Don’t Forget Your Medical Evacuation Insurance
Well Traveled: March 2013
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled. Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Mrs. Barbara Jenkins-Lee Solana Beach, CA Ms. Joy Cartwright Anaheim, CA Mr. Christopher Hudson New York, NY Mr. Edward E. Reynolds. Jr. Woodland Hills, CA Gold Members (200 or more countries) Ms. Joy…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Bancroft, Mr. Peter Bernard, Fromageau Mr. Bingham, Ms. Cynthia Farr Bowden, Mrs. Janice Langston Bowden, Mr. Phillip Keith Brody, Dr. Lynn Corbett, Ms. Johanna Dahlberg, Mr. Gunnar Davis, Mr. John H. Davis, Mrs. Sheila Davis, Mr. John Warrren Dunne, Mr.…
Rowland Burley Honored For Visiting All of the 321 TCC Countries and Territories
New Venue for March 2013 Meeting in London
Area Coordinator Donna Marsh reports that the next United Kingdom luncheon-meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, at a new venue: The Executive Boardroom of the Waldorf Hilton, Aldwych, London. The guest speaker will be Graham Hughes, whose subject will be “Around the World at Ground Level.”