This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Report From the First Pennsylvania Chapter of the New Year
Dear Friends in Travel, The Philadelphia TCC Chapter held its first meeting of 2020 on Sunday, Jan. 27. The group met at Senegalese restaurant Kilimanjaro, and everyone feasted on red snapper, tilapia, grilled chicken and lamb shank with onion sauce with plantains and couscous, all while enjoying glasses of Pinot and fresh juices. The guest…
An Invitation to the April 2020 UK Chapter Meeting in London
Dear Travelers’ Century Club Member, The Travelers’ Century Club UK will be holding our next meeting on Sunday, April 5, returning to the Terrace Bar (top floor), a private meeting room upstairs with an outdoor balcony and panoramic view of the Thames and St. Paul’s Cathedral, at the Doggett’s Coat and Badge 1 Blackfriars Bridge…
February San Diego Chapter Meeting to Feature Wildlife Artist and Safari Expert Fred Krakowiak
The San Diego TCC Chapter will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, at the La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy. The meal will be paella prepared on-site, with a choice of seafood or chicken. The cost is $30 USD per person. Our speaker will be Fred Krakowiak, a…
Dates Announced for May 2021 International Meeting in Malta
The Travelers’ Century Club is planning an international meeting in Malta from May 6 to 9, 2021. The event will be based around St. Julien’s Bay, just outside Valetta, with accommodations at the Marriott Malta or a selection of other hotels to choose from in the area. Space will be limited to 150 participants and…
Mediterranean Chapter Update: Grand Plans for 2020
Dear traveler’s friends of the TCC Mediterranean Chapter: I am pleased to announce that after the participatory process carried out beginning December, to choose the place of our 2ND MEDITERRANEAN CHAPTER MEETING, the chosen city has been FAMAGUSTA that collected about 60% of the 36 votes while the options of KAS (TR) and JERUSALEM (IR)…
Washington DC TCC Meetup, March 6-8, 2020
We are welcoming TCC members from around the world for a social weekend. Our base is the Marriott Marquis, and the attached Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown. We start off with a Friday welcome dinner. Saturday and Sunday we start each day with a breakfast event with several speakers giving short, practical talks…
Program Announced for January 2020 Colorado Chapter Dinner
Welcome to the 2020s! The first meeting of the new year for the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 South Broadway, Denver, CO 303-698-2800). Our Program: Evan Genaud will talk about his relief work in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian hit much…
Update From the December 2019 Pacific Northwest Chapter Meeting in Seattle
On Sunday, Dec. 15, the Seattle Pacific Northwest TCC Chapter met for a holiday get-together in Seattle at the home of Chapter Coordinator Cindy Shurtleff to celebrate member Stefan Krasowski’s attainment of his goal to visit all 193 United Nationas countries before his 40th birthday, He gave an interesting talk on his challenges getting into #193,…
Spring 2020 U.K. Chapter Meeting Scheduled for April 5
To All TCC UK and Ireland Members, Thank you to everyone who expressed their date preferences for our spring 2020 meeting. As our group grows, it is becoming more difficult to find a date that is suitable for most members. I do try to find the best date that works for as many as possible.…
December 2019 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting Recap
On behalf of those members in attendance at our December 2019 meeting, an appreciative thank you to Joseph Lee who treated us to two of his incredible bicycling adventures. The first through a dozen Western African countries, and the second that began in Pakistan, then through Western China and Kyrgyzstan. This unique travel mode saw…
Schedule of 2020 Mediterranean Chapter Meetings
The Mediterranean TCC Chapter has announced the following meeting schedule for 2020: Feb. 8 in Altafulla, Spain June 27 in Altafulla, Spain October (date to be announced) in Famagusta, Cyprus
New Mexico TCC Gathering Blazes the Trail for a New Chapter
Mark Aspelin reports “we had our first TCC of New Mexico gathering in Santa Fe and we enjoyed getting a chance to meet each other. Six of the eight members of TCC in New Mexico were able to attend.”
Report From the September 2019 Northern California Chapter Meeting
Samer Kawar gave an outstanding presentation on nine countries in West Africa during the September 2019 Northern California Chapter meeting at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco. Samer is an architect, so in addition to his great photography, he also included more than a dozen sketches of buildings, which were truly works of…
Introducing Sung-Won (Christian) Park: Our New Korea Chapter Coordinator
The TCC is pleased to announce our newest chapter in the Republic of Korea. Mr. H.W. Rhee was the driving force behind putting together a group of Korea’s most well- traveled people, however, Mr. Park will serve as the chapter’s first coordinator. I was born in Seoul, Korea, and my family immigrated to America when…
TCC Member Spotlight: Dr. Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan, Carbondale, Illinois
As the son of a physician father who worked for the Indian Railways, we made many family trips within India which I am sure was the origin of my appetite for travel. I grew up in the southern state of Tamil Nadu and while in medical school occasionally contemplated quitting to become a pilot. Using…