This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Destination: Syria
By Stefan Krasowski Stefan visited Syria in August 2019, a week before his 40th birthday. He has now visited every country in the world. Stefan has traveled to 306 TCC destinations and is a TCC board member. Why is it so difficult? Syria has been in civil war since 2011, and was effectively closed to…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Well Traveled: December 2019
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Diamond Members (300 or more countries) Anush Dawidjan North Bay Village, Florida David Horne St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand Neal J. Pollock Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Guangming Chen Jiaozuo, HeN, China J. Boyce Nute…
First Texas & Oklahoma Chapter Meeting of 2020 on Saturday, Jan. 11
The Texas & Oklahoma TCC Chapter’s first meeting of 2020 will be on Saturday, Jan. 11, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The meeting will take place from 10:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at La Hacienda Ranch (5250 Highway 121, Colleyville, TX 76034). The meal will be chicken and beef fajita buffet lunch. Soft drinks and…
Dates Announced for 2020 Kansas City, Missouri, Chapter Meetings
The Kansas City TCC Chapter will meet on the following Saturdays in 2020: March 28, June 27, and Sept. 26. All meetings held at Trezo Mare will begin at noon. Additionally, there will be a holiday event on Dec. 5. The venue for the holiday event will be announced later in 2020.
Another Successful UK Chapter Meeting at the Royal Automobile Club in London
The TCC United Kingdom Chapter returned to the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London for its autumn 2019 meeting on Sunday, Nov. 17. We thank our host, Angus Palmer, for inviting the TCC UK to the Club as he has been doing steadily for more than 13 years. There were 25 members in attendance, including…
Two-Wheel Touring Takes Center Stage at December 2019 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting in Toronto
Hello World Travelers, I look forward to seeing everyone at our final 2019 meeting on Saturday, Dec. 14, at noon at The Hive office in Toronto (544 King Street West). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Bari, KGM Latiful Barth, R. Michael Bernard, Marc-Elie Brewin, Fred Bryan, Kevin Chen, Guangming Choi, Myung Ja Compton, David S. Courtney, Robert (Robin) DeRonde Jr., John Allen Dohrmann, Jean Easton, Timothy C. Eisenberg, Stanley Flannery, Claire Friar, Willie Kate Funderbunk,…
Recap of the November 2019 International Meeting in Bari, Italy
A total of 21 attendees representing eight nationalities gathered in Bari, Italy, for the November 2019 TCC International Meeting organized by the Mediterranean Chapter. Below is a summary of the event with photographs. A higher-resolution PDF version of this report is available here.
2020 Central Europe Chapter Meetings in Prague and Nuremberg
Dear Fellow Travelers, Hopefully, all is well on your side after we met in Stuttgart! Also, all the best to our new European members! Just like in 2019, it is my pleasure now to announce not one but two 2020 meetings of the Central Europe TCC Chapter: The first event is being held in the…
Report From the November 2019 Arkansas Chapter Meeting
An enjoyable fall meeting of the Traveler’s Century Club Arkansas Chapter was held on Nov. 19 at the Boardroom of the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. William and Judith Henderson-Cleland brought a lovely album of their last trip to Polynesia, and Dr. Steven Clift gave a screen presentation on his recent one-month trip to…
New South Korea Chapter Holds First Meeting — First TCC Chapter in Asia
On a beautiful Autumn day, Oct. 15, 2019, history was made as the Travelers’ Century Club started its first chapter in Asia. Mr. H.W. Rhee, who worked very hard to build the Korean membership, opened the chapter by unveiling a beautiful TCC sign outside his office. After the unveiling, the first meeting was held at…
Report From the November 2019 Indiana Chapter Meeting
The Indiana TCC Chapter had an outstanding meeting on Saturday, Nov. 9. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, we heard and saw an excellent presentation by Denny Grandl. His topic was, Vanishing Cultures: The Hill Tribes of Far…
Hiking Journey in Southern France to Highlight December 2019 Northern California Chapter Lunch
The Northern California TCC Chapter will meet on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Skates on the Bay, a waterfront seafood restaurant at the Berkeley Marina. Social hour will begin at 11 a.m., followed by lunch at noon. The address is 100 Seawall Drive, Berkeley, CA 94710; parking is free. The speaker will be Sam Wilson, a…
Report From the October 2019 West Florida Chapter Meeting
The West Florida (Sarasota) TCC Chapter met for lunch at historic Pier 22 restaurant on Oct. 29. Several members were able to attend our local meeting for the first time, bringing new perspective and energy to the group. In addition to visiting new countries, members are looking to complete various travel goals such as visiting…