This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Report From the September 2019 Washington DC Chapter Gathering
The Washington, DC TCC Chapter held a meeting on Saturday, Sept. 28, at J. Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, VA. The meeting was well-attended with more than 25 members and guests. Members shared their recent travel experiences including Kosovo, North Korea, Serbia, Albania, Chad, and Antartica, TCC member Dr. Toulmin, who is also a member of…
Details Announced for Fall 2019 St. Louis Chapter Meeting
The St. Louis TCC Chapter will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Mike Duffy’s Pub & Grill in Kirkwood. You must RSVP by Oct. 6 if you plan to attend. Here are more details: Date: Tuesday, Oct. 8 Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m. Place: Mike Duffy’s Pub & Grill, 124 West Jefferson Ave., #104, Kirkwood,…
Details Announced for October 2019 Colorado Chapter Meeting in Denver
The October 2019 meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, Oct. 17, at 6 p.m. at The Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway in Denver, tel. 303-698-2800). Thanks to David Van Treuren for his photos and tales of his Mid-Atlantic cruise that visited Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha at…
Fall 2019 Southeast Florida Chapter Meeting
David and Barbara Ganz will be hosting the fall 2019 get-together of the Miami-area TCC Chapter. It will be from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6. Please bring finger foods to share and BYOB. For info, directions and to RSVP, email
Report From the September 2019 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting
Hello World Travelers, Delighted to report that we had our largest Eastern Canada Chapter gathering ever in downtown Toronto on Sept. 14 with 30 people in attendance. Several out-of-town guests were with us including Charles Merkel – TCC Chapter Coordinator from St. Louis, new TCC member Terry Suero from Buffalo, New York, and Richard Foltz…
TCC Members Sow the Seeds of Potential New Chapters in South Korea and Jacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville, Florida Six of the 10 TCC members (plus a guest) living within 50 miles of Jacksonville, Florida, gathered at Maggiano’s Italian restaurant on June 5 for a wonderful two-hour discussion among committed travelers. Small saplings eventually grow into a tree. We’re working on it. South Korea The Republic of Korea can boast one of…
Report From the June 2019 Kansas City TCC Chapter Gathering
The Kansas City TCC Chapter met on Friday, June 28, with 27 members and guests present. The trivia question asked what zoo animal in North American and European zoos accounts for the most injuries to zoo personal. The answer is the zebra. The excellent program was presented by guest and local artist Amanda Cooper. She…
A Successful Spring Meeting of the Chicago Area TCC Chapter
The Chicago Area TCC Chapter met on Saturday, May 11, at the home of Chapter Coordinator Tom Flannigan. Members shared stories, discussed future travel plans, and engaged in the lively art of conversation. Tom’s wife, Ellen, provided some tasty snacks and the meeting was a resounding success.
Summer 2019 Mediterranean Chapter Update
El Forn del Senyor, TCC Mediterranean headquarters in Altafulla, welcomed travelers from across Spain. Presentations included discussions by: Óscar Cadiach on the Silk Road of Pakistan and China; a trip across the Pacific by Juan de Almería; Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia by Pamela Barrus; and Russia from south to north by Jorge Sánchez. The…
Tanzania Wildlife Photography Presented at June 2019 Norcal Meeting
Trader Vic’s of Emeryville played host to 42 TCC members and guests. Our speaker was Don Koss who presented his outstanding wildlife photography from a recent journey to Tanzania. Left to right: TCC Secretary Kevin Hughes, speaker Don Koss, and Board Member Margo Bart.
Report From the July 2019 San Diego Chapter Meeting
The San Diego TCC Chapter met at the home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy on July 20, with 45 members and guests to enjoy a Mexican Fiesta. Matthew Allison, one of TCC’s most daring adventurers, talked about his descent into the world’s largest pit cave, Cave of the Swallows in Mexico, via a free rappel,…
Potluck and Travel Tales: Report From the August 2019 Atlanta Chapter Meeting
The Atlanta TCC Chapter met Saturday, Aug. 3, for their quarterly meeting. The event was held at the home of Dr. Watson Mills in Sharpsburg, Georgia. Members shared a potluck lunch and stories of travels near and far. There was even an unofficial tour of Watson’s home and travel memorabilia featuring rocks collected from around the…
Final Plans in Place for September 2019 Central European Chapter Meeting in Stuttgart
Dear Fellow Travelers, The 2019 Autumn Meeting of the Central European TCC Chapter in Stuttgart, Germany, is getting closer. If you have either registered or at least expressed your Interest in coming, please contact me directly if you changed your mind or have any other information regarding the number of people to come! Please also…
Greater Washington D.C. Chapter Schedules Fall 2019 Meeting in McClean
Chapter Coordinator Jeffrey Houle reports that the next meeting of the Washington D.C. TCC Chapter will be held at noon on Saturday, Sept. 28, at J. Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia. The address is 6930 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22101.
Summer Update From the St. Louis, Missouri TCC Chapter
The St. Louis TCC Chapter met on Aug. 3 at Gretchen’s Inn of the Feasting Fox restaurant. We joined with three other travel groups to enjoy food and drink of the Czech Republic. The menu included bratwurst, kielbasa with sauerkraut, schnitzel, spatzle dumplings and strudel. Our speaker, Ann Mracek, is a Czech descendent (related to…