This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Photojournalist and International Aid Worker Philip Maher to Speak at September 2019 Meeting in Toronto
Hello World Travelers, I look forward to seeing everyone at our second 2019 meeting on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 12 noon at The Hive office (544 King St. West). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the…
TCC Member Spotlight: Craig Forrest, Lodi, California
My travels began at age 16 as a last-minute replacement for a scared traveler on my dad and mom’s Bible Lands trip in summer of 1972. Twenty-two people. Within two weeks I had a passport and visas, and we were off and running. Greece, then Egypt, and on an Egypt Air flight from Cairo to…
Introducing Stefan Krasowski: Our New TCC Board Member
Stefan Krasowski teaches travelers, speaks at travel conferences, and blogs at Rapid Travel Chai. He is an expert in rewards credit cards, airline, and hotel programs, specializing in using points for exotic and remote destinations. A native of Minneapolis, Stefan is a graduate of The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He got his traveling start…
Destination: Angola and Cabinda
By Pamela Barrus It used to be Angola was one of those really, really hard countries to get into. It either took employment with Chevron Oil or the good fortune to know somebody who knew somebody who would issue an invitation letter, one of many visa requirements. And then there was the trip to the Angolan…
New Info Files Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Our Next International Meeting: And the Winner Is … Valleta, Malta
Among the questions we asked participants at the end of the 2018 Barcelona international meeting was “would you like to attend another one and if so, when and where?” With almost 200 active members voting in our first ever poll to see where we want to meet up in 2021, coming in with 48% of…
Well Traveled: September 2019
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Diamond Members (300 or more countries) Joachim von zur Gathen Bonn, Germany Milan Srejber Prague, Czech Republic Hans A. Thulin, MD Taberg, Sweden Ke Yin He Selangor, Malaysia Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Zhenhua Tian Kirkland, Quebec, Canada…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Applebaum, Ray C., Applebaum, Fredrica Bandiera, Glen Bērziņš, Valdis Carr, William M. Cullan, Barbara Cvetkov, Kyril Dahab, Carolyn Hitzig Dauer, Roger T. Dennis, Victoria Lee Dobson, Carol Du Yimin Garland, Richard N. Gonzalez, Juan D. Gonzalez, Donna S. Graydon, Cameron…
A Sunny Happy Hour Gathering of the Seattle Pacific Northwest TCC Chapter
West Florida Chapter Combats Summer Heat With Discussion of Arctic Travel Destinations
The West Florida TCC Chapter held a lunch meeting on Aug. 14 at a new location, the historic Pier 22 restaurant in Bradenton, Florida. As usual, a few destinations are trending. In the past year, many members have visited Sri Lanka. Two members met in Sri Lanka this summer when their schedules overlapped. Greenland is…
Indiana Chapter Explores Egyptian History and Culture During July 2019 Meeting in Indianapolis
The Indiana TCC Chapter had an outstanding meeting on Saturday, July 27. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, we heard and saw an excellent presentation by Don Knebel about his trip to Egypt. He presented information about Egypt’s…
An Invitation to the September 2019 Charter Chapter Meeting in Newport Beach, California
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14, when we travel once more to the waterfront for a gathering at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. TCC Vice President Tim Skeet will take us to Tibet, the “Roof of the World,” where he and his…
Dates for 2019 Charter Chapter Meetings
As is normal, our Charter Chapter meetings alternate between sites in Los Angeles and Orange Counties on the second Saturday of each quarter. Our final 2019 meeting will be in Los Angeles County on Dec. 14 at Lawry’s The Prime Rib in Beverly Hills.
Crossing the Caucasus by Taxi: Report From the June 2019 Charter Chapter Meeting
More than 40 TCC members and their guests met at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles, then traveled with Bill Altaffer on his adventures from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea by way of two dozen taxis! Our veteran member presented a fascinating program of how he crossed the Caucasus Mountains from…
North Caucasus and North Korea Presentations Featured at July 2019 Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Meeting
On July 13, 29 members and prospective members of the Texas & Oklahoma TCC Chapter enjoyed a luncheon meeting, with two featured speakers, at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Center in College Station, Texas. Before and after the meeting many members also toured the Library. Magali Hinojosa (TCC Platinum) drove all the way from…