This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Two New Members Introduced at Arkansas Chapter Mini-Meeting
An informal mini-meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter was held on Jan. 20 at Guillermo’s Coffee House in the conference room. All chapter members were invited to meet two new members, Henk Klipscheer and Tim Gaughran, and to discuss travel options to Madagascar and Seychelles. This was a very eventful three-hour “hard to leave testimonies…
San Diego Chapter to Meet on Saturday, Feb. 11
The San Diego Chapter’s first meeting of 2017 will be on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Gloria McCoy’s. Contact Chapter Coordinator Jeff Ward for details.
Arkansas Members Reflect on Missed Opportunities During Fall 2016 Gathering
The fall 2016 meeting of the Arkansas Chapter of TCC was held on Nov. 5, following lunch at Samanthas Restaurant in Little Rock. We began with tributes to former coordinators: Anna Clift, who passed away this year and Walter Kann in 2014. The topic, “Regrets, I’ve had a few,” had members listing sights and areas…
Germany Chapter Update, With Information About the September Meeting in Wuerzburg
Dear TCC Members of Europe, Hopefully, all of you had a good start in the new year 2017! This is to inform you all about some activities of the TCC going on in Europe in the new year, including the first announcement of the annual German meeting, which will be held in the city of…
Photo From the Southeast Florida Chapter’s Holiday Party in December
New York Meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 1
Members in New York will be having a TCC meet-up on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at Hurley’s Saloon in Times Square from 6 p.m.
Spanish Culture and Cuisine to Highlight March 2017 TCC Gathering in Boston
The Travelers’ Century Club of New England will host a “Spanish Springtime International Brunch” on Saturday, March 25, from noon to 2 p.m. at Tapeo Restaurant and Tapas Bar , 266 Newbury Street between Gloucester and Fairfield, in the Back Bay of Boston. Come enjoy Spring, Spain & Stories as well as a sip or…
Sri Lanka the Focus of December 2017 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting
Hello World Travelers, Happy New year to you all. Hoping 2017 brings lots of new travel adventures your way. We were very fortunate to have Mr. Mohammed Jauhar, Consul General of Sri Lanka ,join us as our featured speaker at our December meeting in downtown Toronto. Mr. Jauhar and Gerrie, his Chief Of Staff, treated…
Presentation About Sri Lanka and the Maldives Planned for January 2017 Colorado Chapter Dinner
The January 2017 meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held Thursday, Jan. 19, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800). Let’s hope the weather is better than it was in November! David VanTreuren will show photos and speak about his trip to Sri Lanka and the…
Report From the December 2016 TCC Meeting in Kansas City
The TCC Kansas City Chapter met on Dec. 2 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. Approximately 25 guests were entertained by Bob and Susan Hiatt. They talked of several trips they’ve taken around the world, but in the context of unexpected pleasures coming from unfortunate circumstances. From a rainy day in Munich, to car problems in Croatia,…
Details Announced for April 2017 UK Chapter Meeting in London
Dear Travelers’ Century Club Member, The Travelers’ Century Club UK will be holding our next meeting on Sunday, April 2, 2017, returning to the Terrace Bar, a private meeting room upstairs with an outdoor balcony and panoramic view of the Thames and St Paul’s Cathedral, at the Doggett’s Coat and Badge 1 Blackfriars Bridge London…
West Florida Chapter Enjoys Presentations About Greece and Croatia
On July 21 our chapter held a luncheon meeting at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota, Florida. We all had interesting tales about prior trips and cruises. Interesting was that only two of the attendees had attended the April meeting – the others had been traveling – not surprising as all of us are…
Report From the September 2016 TCC Northern California Meeting
At our well-attended September meeting, Cynthia Reed shared her stories about her many visits to Patagonia, illustrated with beautiful photography and maps. In other news about our local members, the Associated Press interviewed Jean and Charlie Davis just as they began a voyage through the Northwest Passage.
Japan Presentation Planned for December 2016 Meeting in New York City
The New York TCC chapter had a well-attended meeting on Oct. 8 at the Utsav Indian Restaurant in midtown Manhattan. Moderated by chapter coordinator Lynn Simmons, members shared lively stories about their most unusual or serendipitous travel experiences, with an especially effective impromptu vignette presented by Laurie Campbell that alluded to her recent Rajasthan adventures.…
Arizona Chapter Enjoys Engaging Presentation on Africa by Retired United Nations Ambassador Harold Norton
The Phoenix members, which included three new members and a visiting member, enjoyed a lovely get together, the first one of 2016. Retired United Nations Ambassador Harold Norton spoke about the state of affairs in various African countries where he served. It was very interesting and well received, having been the third time he has…