This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Pictures From the December 2013 SoCal Luncheon in Beverly Hills
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]All photos by Noel Schwab. Upcoming TCC meetings in the Los Angeles area will be: June 14, 2014 Le Meridien Delfina Santa Monica 530 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405 Sept. 13, 2014 Mozambique Restaurant 1740 South Coast Highway,…
TCC Philadelphia Chapter Plans May and September Meetings
The Philadelphia Chapter met on Sunday, Jan. 26, at Abyssinia, an Ethiopian restaurant in the University City section of Philadelphia. Fourteen chapter members braved snowdrifts and single-digit temperatures to eat enjera and sample cinnamon tea, among other delicacies on the menu. New chapter member Matt Cook, a graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania, was…
St. Louis Chapter to Enjoy May 4 Brunch at Bixby’s Restaurant in the Missouri Historical Museum
The next meeting of the St Louis TCC Chapter is a brunch scheduled for Sunday, May 4, 2014, from noon to 3 p.m. at Bixby’s Restaurant. Bixby’s is located on the second floor of the Missouri History Museum overlooking beautiful Forest Park (click here to open the restaurant’s Web site). TCC members and their guests…
West Coast Cruise to Celebrate the TCC’s 60th Anniversary
In celebration of our 60th anniversary, the Board of Directors and Coordinators of the Travelers’ Century Club invite members to join us for a special Pacific Coast cruise in October 2014. This three-day voyage aboard Princess Cruises’ Golden Princess will travel round-trip from Los Angeles, embarking Friday, Oct. 24 at 4 p.m. and returning at…
New England Chapter Making Plans for Meetings in June and October 2014
Area Coordinator David Santulli reports that the next meeting of the New England Chapter is expected in June, followed by another October meeting. He invites New England members to stay tuned for details, and as always, to contact him if they are interested in hosting.
Colorado TCC Members Enjoy a Virtual Journey to Bolivia
The Colorado Chapter met on Jan. 16 at the Blue Bonnet Restaurant. Although group was small this time, those attending enjoyed discussing their recent travels before Jim Downs showed beautiful photos of his February 2013 trip in Bolivia as well as photos of several out-of-the-way spots he has visited in China. The next meeting will…
2014 Illinois TCC Meetings Slated for April and October
The Illinois Chapter has scheduled meetings for the spring and fall of 2014. There will be a meeting at the Winnetka home of Area Coordinator Tom Flannigan on Saturday, April 5, from 1 to 3 p.m. The fall 2014 meeting will be on Sunday, Oct. 5, from noon to 2 p.m. at the home of…
Western Canada Chapter Plans February Meeting at Vancouver International Airport
Greetings Western Canada Travelers! Our first Vancouver meeting has garnered a strong response, with several out-of-towners flying, driving or ferrying in for the day. Additional suggestions were made to have the meeting at other locales in downtown Vancouver or White Rock. These suggestions are appreciated, and will be considered for future meetings, but for at…
London Meeting Rescheduled: 2014 Pub Quiz Now Set for June 15
Due to overwhelming responses from TCC members advising that the previously announced April date is problematic, the Travelers’ Century Club United Kingdom Chapter will now be holding our next meeting on Sunday, June 15, 2014, from noon to approximately 4 p.m. in the private meeting room upstairs at: Zetland Arms 2 Bute Street South Kensington…
Arizona Chapter to Meet on Feb. 16 and Again in Early April
Arizona Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that the next meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 16, at a location to be determined. The group will meet again in early April. All TCC members in Arizona and snowbirds are welcome to attend.
Pictures From the January 2014 Meeting in New York
Member Paul Couniotakis gave a presentation on a trip to parts of East, Central and West Africa at the New York meeting in January 2014. See photos below. The second New York TCC gathering for 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, at a location yet to be determined. Dr. Elzbieta Schrader will give a presentation about…
Report From the January 2014 Meeting in San Antonio
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held our first quarterly meeting of the year on Jan. 11 at the the Boiler House Texas Grill & Wine Garden, situated in the historic Pearl Brewery complex on the San Antonio River Walk. Our…
January 2014 Gathering of Washington, D.C. Area TCC Members
West Florida TCC Chapter Enjoys Their First Meeting of 2014
The West Florida (Sarasota) group had its first luncheon of 2014 on Jan. 8 at the University Park Country Club. We had 12 attendees. I started the meeting by informing everyone of the three new locations which qualify as Travelers’ Century Club Locations. This will give some of the attendees new countries. The luncheon was interesting,…
About the New Arkansas Chapter Coordinators, Anna Asiatidou Clift and Dr. Steven Clift
Anna Asiatidou Clift was born in Greece. She was an Olympic Airline stewardess when she met Steven Clift in June 1973 in Egypt. He went on to become an M.D., currently a practicing gastroenterologist. Anna and Steven married and never lost the travel bug. Both Anna and Steven are also Explorer Club members, divemasters and…