This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Kansas City Chapter Announces Schedule of 2014 Meetings
The Kansas City Chapter met at Trezo Mare restaurant on Dec. 6, 2013 for their last meeting of the year. An informative program and slide presentation was presented by Ms. Joyce Sheehan, a nurse, on her medical missions around the world. The travel trivia questions of the day were: 1. What was the intended name…
Western Canada Coordinator Seeks Feedback for 2014 Meeting Plans
Happy New Year Western Canada Travelers! I trust everyone is recovering nicely from the merriment of the season passed and looking forward to a new year of exciting travels! 2013 was a banner year for the Traveler’s Century Club in Canada as we saw the Eastern Canada Chapter gather amazing steam with fantastic speakers, great…
First Colorado Chapter Meeting of 2014 Set For Thursday, Jan. 16
The next meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be on Thursday, Jan. 16, starting at 6 p.m. at Blue Bonnet Restaurant in Denver (457 South Broadway, telephone 03-779-0147, Website The group has reserved the private back room for this meeting, and Jim Downs will present the program. Longtime member Don Lawless was laid…
Cuba Presentation Planned for May 2014 Indianapolis Luncheon
Area Coordinator Frank Basile reports that the Indiana Chapter had another excellent meeting on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013. The activities began with an enjoyable reception and lunch, during which time the members exchanged travel stories and anecdotes. After a fine lunch, the group heard and saw an excellent presentation on Antarctica by Charles Williams, who…
TCC 60th Anniversary Lapel Pins Now Available
In recognition of TCC’s 60th anniversary (1954-2014), a new Lapel Pin is available at TCC Headquarters for $15 in North America and $20 overseas. The exact size is one inch. It is in raised polished gold and green and white enamel; lettering is in raised polished gold. Allow four weeks for delivery. Only a limited…
Executive Board Announces Revisions to Official List of TCC Countries and Territories
At its December 2013 meeting, the TCC Board of Directors added three new destinations to its Approved List of Countries & Territories, bringing the total to 324. The updated list will be mailed with the March edition of the Centurian, and it is available on the Countries & Territories page of this Web site. Nueva…
Report From the December 2013 Eastern Canada Brunch
At our TCC Eastern Canada holiday social on Dec. 7, we welcomed new member Carol Stevenson and provisional members Barb and Doug Storey. Thanks to Jane Shaver for organizing an excellent brunch for the chapter. Also visiting with us was David Paterson, a reporter for the Mississauga News, who took pictures, video interviews with our…
Photos From the December 2013 Miami-Area Holiday Party
Area Coordinator Jan Novar reports that those who attended the Dec. 15 holiday party brought and exchanged wrapped travel souvenir gifts from far-flung places (see photos below). Barbara Stein and Ted Cook were hosts at their Hollywood home. Attendees contributed “finger foods” and libations. Barbara Stein thanked the TCC Board for her “Christmas present” because…
Eastern Canada TCC Chapter Featured in The Mississauga News
The TCC Eastern Canada Chapter was the focus of a recent article published in Canada’s Mississauga News. Reporter David Paterson attended the Dec. 7 meeting at the home of Rick and Jane Shaver and penned a thoughtful account of his experience. The article ends with an amusing anecdote from Joseph Lee about his quest to witness…
New York Members to Meet at North African Restaurant in Manhattan
Dear Members and Friends, I am pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of the New York area’s Travelers’ Century Club on Saturday, Jan. 11. Member Paul Couniotakis will give a presentation on a trip to parts of East, Central and West Africa. Countries visited included Rwanda, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Nigeria.…
San Antonio Meeting in January for Texas/Oklahoma TCC Members
As 2013 nears closure, we are already anticipating our first 2014 quarterly meeting in San Antonio. This will be our first TCC meeting in this delightful part of Texas, and we hope those that have found Dallas and Houston too great a distance will join us on Jan. 11. We will also want to provide…
An Invitation to the March 2014 TCC Luncheon in Newport Beach
At the March 8 TCC luncheon meeting in Newport Beach, CA, Northern California members Frank and Sigrid Rainer will give a slide presentation about their two-month journey this past summer across the full width of Russia. Their Russian excursion encompassed five stages: (1) two weeks by riverboat from St. Petersburg to Moscow; (2) two weeks…
Photos From the September 2013 Luncheon in Orange County
North Korea Presentation Planned for February 2014 San Diego Area Meeting
Area Coordinator Jeff Ward reports that there were 27 attendees at the October 12 luncheon meeting at the La Jolla Sheraton Hotel. Doug Sartre talked about reforestation in Burundi and the Congo (Zaire). The next meeting of San Diego chapter will be on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., again at the…
Report From the September 2013 International Meeting in Munich
The TCC International meeting in Munich on Sept. 7 was also the annual gathering of the German chapter, which includes Austria and Switzerland. The all-day meeting was held at the Hotel Eden Wolff and was called to order by TCC Chairman Klaus Billep, with German Area Coordinator J. Herbert Goebels presiding. Also attending were former…