A holiday social was held at coordinator Cindy Shurtleff ’s home near the Pike Place Market in Seattle. Members and prospective members met to trade stories and hear an update from Stefan Krasowski on the Extraordinary Travel Festival, held in Armenia last October.
The usual beach meeting locale may have been ravaged by Hurricane Ian, but this did not deter members from gathering. Barbara Freiberg graciously arranged a quick solution for members to exchange travel stories at the Naples Heritage Cou try Club. Incredible perserverence!
A recent highlight for the Oceania chapter was their November trip to Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, primarily to witness the crab migration on Christmas Island (see their destination report here). Coordinator Robyn Antill reports that prior to the trip, the chapter met in Perth for their regular monthly meeting. Perth member Bev (and Lloyd)…
The Kansas City chapter had a Christmas party at the home of Bonnie Burns. Members recounted their best “WOW” moments while traveling. David Battey might have related the most humorous by recounting the time he coaxed his elderly father onto an outdated high-altitude amusement park ride in Pyongyang North Korea.
Chapter coordinator Amanda Davis reports that the Soutwhest Florida (Sarasota) Chapter welcomed four new members, including Bob and Cindy Collins who just got back from a five-country trip to Southern and Eastern Africa, which included trekking to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. Members talked about best practices for rerouting and potential insurance claims as…
An amazing Chicago meetup at the home of Bob Bonifas (left) pictured with Andy Hicks visiting from Denver. In the right photo is Don Parrish (left) with Maurizio Giuliano. Both Bob and Don have been recognized for completing the TCC list in 2014.
The Oceania/Australia TCC Chapter will gather online via Zoom on Wednesday, FEb. 15, at 18:00 AEDT. Chapter Coordinator Robyn Antill will present slides and stories from current travels. If you would like to participate, contact Robyn for the Zoom link. A second Zoom gathering is planned for Wednesday, March 15, at 18:00 AEDT.
I am happy to report an energetic meeting at Seasons 52 in Tysons Corner on Jan. 7, 2023. Members and guests discussed big plans for travel in the new year. We were fortune to be joined by Ambassador Lucy Tamlyn (United States Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo) and her husband, TCC member, writer…
The Southwest Florida (Sarasota) TCC Chapter held our first meeting of the year on Thursday, Jan. 12. We congratulated Merry Jo Binkley on reaching 100 countries and full member status with her recent trip to Colombia. Dave Binkley presented on Tajikistan. Larry and Roseanne Francis recounted their recent experience flying out of Buenos Aires the…
Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, March 11, at the Mozambique Restaurant in Laguna Beach, where popular presenter Matthew Allison will share his amazing adventures exploring Ecuador’s legendary Cave of the Tayos, believed to contain a hidden, ancient golden library of books engraved in…
Travelers’ Century Club®
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Los Angeles, CA 90045
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