The Phoenix members, which included three new members and a visiting member, enjoyed a lovely get together, the first one of 2016. Retired United Nations Ambassador Harold Norton spoke about the state of affairs in various African countries where he served. It was very interesting and well received, having been the third time he has…
The Western Canada chapter met on Aug. 28 in Vancouver at the YVR Fairmont Lobby. All attending members either flew in, or took the ferry from the island as we met to welcome new members Elizabeth Fraser and Don Jackson. Patti van Humbeck compiled a wonderful presentation of her Sub-Saharan overland trip. While we only…
Thirty-two members and guests met at the lovely La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy on October 8. The weather was ideal and allowed the guests to sit outside on the patio and enjoy a catered Greek meal. San Diego member Diane Bell presented her spectacular slides of Roman mosaics located today in various…
We held our meeting at the lovely home of Jeff and Cynthia Scherbarth. Twenty-seven members and guests journeyed from all over Texas for a fantastic catered meal that the Scherbarths generously provided. They have set the bar high and no doubt others will try to emulate them at future meetings! Our featured speaker, Mark Ramsey,…
At September’s 2016 meeting in Bremen, coordinator Herb Goebels handed off the reins to Armin Schreiner. Many thanks Herb for building the Germany chapter! During the day participants heard presentations on the places of adventure of Sinbad the Sailor in Iraq, by Katja Kirstie; Micronesia a generation ago, by Hubert Dahl; the World War I…
Some of the most enthusiastic members of the TCC reside in Barcelona, and they came together last September in the resort town of Altafulla to talk travel dreams past and future, while dining on Mediterranean seafood and imbibing the superb wine of the Catalan region. Member Martin Garrido often hosts tertulias at his medieval “El…
At our Annual December Holiday Luncheon at Lawry’s The Prime Rib in Beverly Hills, the guest speaker will be former TCC President Kevin Hughes, who will present a fascinating film documentary on his historic 66-day odyssey around the “White Continent” aboard the Russian icebreaker, Kapitan Khlebnikov. This “Circumnavigation of Antarctica” will feature the historical sites…
The November meeting of the Denver TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway in Denver, tel. 303-698-2800, Our speaker, Brenda Gottschalk, will take us to Uzbekistan and the Golden Triangle. In September we had a small but enhusiastic turnout to hear Iman Jodeh…
The fall 2016 meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be held on Nov. 5. The meeting will be held at Samantha’s Tap Room & Wood Grill at noon. The topic will be “Regrets – I Have a Few” – borrowing from Sinatra – as Dolena points out. She is sure everyone has more than one…
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