This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Calgary Meeting Scheduled in October for TCC Members in Canada
Our Western Chapter is gearing up for our meeting in October. For those Eastern Chapter members who were unable to attend in Toronto in September, or just want to come for more travel exposure, please feel welcome to come out West anytime. This is a great opportunity for all Centurians across Canada to attend as…
Report From the September 2013 Eastern Canada Gathering
Hello World Travelers, I am delighted to report that our Sept. 21 meeting featured a terrific presentation by our very own Steve and Wendy Johnston, who spoke about their adventures in Iceland earlier this year. It was lively, informative, and featured some really great photographs of Reykjavik, geysers, waterfalls and even some elves! Steve and…
San Diego Members to Meet in La Jolla in October
Area Coordinator Jeff Ward reports that next meeting of the San Diego chapter will be at 11:30 a.m on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the La Jolla Sheraton, 3299 Holiday Court in La Jolla. Details to follow.
Fabulous Fall Gathering for TCC Members in the Boston Area
I am pleased to announce a fabulous fall gathering at the Beacon Hill home of TCC members Harvey and Joëlle Wartosky on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 1 to 4 p.m. Come share travel tales and advice from the world’s most remote destinations! Not sure the best way to get to Lakshadweep or Mayotte? You have found…
TCC Chairman Klaus Billep to Speak at October Meeting in Dallas
Football is back and I hope your favorite teams are off to a great start. It was nice to see my OSU Cowboys play in Houston this past weekend, especially after they put in a good quarterback! As a reminder, our fourth and final meeting of 2013 will be held in Dallas on Oct. 5,…
Greater Washington D.C. Members to Meet in October
Area Coordinator Jeff Houle reports that the Greater Washington D.C. Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will meet at noon on Saturday, Oct. 26, at J. Gilbert’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia. The address is 6930 Old Dominion Drive, telephone (703) 893-1034.
Informal Meeting of the U.K. Chapter Planned for Sept. 22 in London
The Travelers’ Century Club U.K. will be holding our next meeting on Sunday, Sept. 22, at the home of Chris and Janice Kohut, located in South Kensington, London. Their home is a five-minute walk from Gloucester Road Station, which is on the Piccadilly, District and Circle lines of the London Underground. This will be a very informal…
Record Attendance at the June 2013 Northern California Meeting
Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that the next chapter luncheon will be on Sept. 21 at the United Irish Culture Center in San Francisco. Fred Omenzetter will give a presentation on North Korea. There was a record attendance of 58 at the June 1 meeting at Spenger’s in Berkeley (see photo gallery below). Sanford Smith talked about…
Photos From the June 2013 Southern California Lunch in Santa Monica
TCC Members Meet on West Coast of Africa Cruise
TCC’s Craig Forrest Receives Doctorate
September 21 Eastern Canada Meeting at Rick Shaver’s Toronto Office
According to Area Coordinator Rick Shaver, the next Eastern Canada meeting will be on Sept. 21 at the usual location in his downtown Toronto office building. Shaver recently attending a Royal Canadian Geographic Society event which presented its Gold Medal to Michael Palin for his “immense contribution to geographical literacy” during his BBC travel shows…
Southeast Florida Members to Meet in Fort Lauderdale on Sept. 22
Area Coordinator Jan Novar reports that Carolyn and Jerry Stein will host the Fall Kickoff meeting on Sept. 22, between 2 and 5 p.m., at the Wentworth Gallery in Fort Lauderdale.
Arizona Meeting Planned for Sunday, Sept. 22
The Arizona chapter was dark for the summer, but Area Coordinator Matt Cohen reports that the next meeting will be Sept. 22 at 3 p.m. at a member’s home. Details will be published here when available. Future meetings are tentatively scheduled for January and April.
2013 International Meeting September 7 in Munich
The next TCC International Meeting will be in Munich on Saturday, Sept. 7, to coincide with the yearly gathering of the German chapter, which includes Austria and Switzerland. Area Coordinator J. Herbert Goebels says the full-day program, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Hotel Eden Wolff, will include several presentations, lunch and dinner. The Registration…