This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Report From the October 2013 Western Canada Meeting in Calgary
The follow up to the Western Canada chapter’s inaugural meeting may not have had the strong showing they hoped for, but there was still a lot of laughter and the group enjoyed a lovely Saturday brunch at Smuggler’s Inn Restaurant in Calgary. It was a good opportunity to follow up on goals set from the…
Arkansas Members Celebrate With Hats From Around the World
Dr. Steven Clift and his wife, Anna Asiatidou Clift, are taking over as Arkansas Area Coordinators from Dolena and Walter Kann, who are retiring from the position. Dolena recently celebrated her 90th birthday and Walter, now wheel-chair bound, is 95 years young. Driving to the meetings has become difficult. Clift reports that the chapter met on…
Eastern Missouri TCC Chapter Forming, St. Louis Meeting Planned
Member Charles Merkel has announced plans for a luncheon gathering in St. Louis, Missouri, on Sunday, Nov. 10. The event will begin at 12:30 p.m. at The Restaurant at The Cheshire (7036 Clayton Ave., telephone 314-932-7818). A happy hour will follow from 2 to 3 p.m. at The Market next door. Details about the program…
Trek to Machu Picchu Recounted at September Arizona Meeting.
We had a great meeting to kick off our year at Gerrie Dippe’s house on Sept. 22 (see more photos below). The weather had cooled a little and we all enjoyed her lovely home. Gregg Sapp played a DVD and provided commentary about his trek to Machu Picchu It was an extraordinarily difficult trek, far…
Texas/Oklahoma Members Enjoy the New Perot Museum in Dallas
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The TCC Texas/Oklahoma Chapter held it’s fourth and final meeting of the year on Oct. 5 at the incredible new Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas. On many levels, the meeting was a very special one for…
Report From the October New England Chapter Meeting on Boston’s Beacon Hill
The New England TCC Chapter gathered on the beautiful roof deck of Joelle and Harvey Wartosky‘s home on Beacon Hill in Boston on Saturday, Oct. 5. Members regaled each other with their most memorable travel experiences and shared about upcoming journeys. We were delighted that TCC Executive Board Member Kevin Hughes joined us. Kevin shared some “show…
November Arkansas Meeting Program to Ask: ‘Where’d You Get That Hat?’
The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on Saturday, Nov. 2, with members meeting for a noon luncheon at the Pleasant Valley Country Club (428 Valley Club Circle in Little Rock). Dessert and coffee will be served at the nearby home of Sandi and Aaron Lubin. Program: “Where’d you get that hat?”…
TCC Members Profiled in Two Recent Articles in the U.S. News Media
The Travelers’ Century Club has been the focus of two recent news articles in the United States, including interviews with TCC Members in Missouri and Indiana. An article published in the St. Louis area in September profiles Missouri TCC members Gig Gwin of Des Peres, Missouri, and Gary Mockli of Chesterfield, Missouri. Writing for West…
Crazy Gift Exchange Planned for Southeast Florida TCC Holiday Party in December
The fall meeting of the Southeast Florida Chapter was hosted by Carolyn and her daughter, Linda Stein, who is manager of Wentworth Art Gallery in Fort Lauderdale. Barbara Stein and Ted Cookson have graciously offered to host our holiday party on Dec. 15. All members and their guests are welcome. Please bring finger foods (no pork…
Morocco Presentation Planned for December Northern California Gathering
At their September luncheon, Northern California TCC members enjoyed a presentation about North Korea by Fred Omenzetter. In addition to a wide photographic collection of North Korea, Fred presented results of private research into other North Korean activities such as counterfeiting. The Northern California Chapter will meet again on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Spenger’s Fresh Fish…
Record Attendance at September Indiana Chapter Meeting
The Indiana Chapter had another excellent meeting on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013. During the reception, the members and their guests told anecdotes about their most interesting travels and, in general, shared experiences with like-minded fellow travelers. After a fine lunch, the group of 26 split into three tables to trade responses to several travel questions,…
A September Mediterranean Feast for Philadelphia-Area TCC Members
The Philadelphia Chapter of the TCC met on Sunday, Sept. 29, at Cypriot restaurant Kanella for a multi-course feast of Mediterranean delicacies and to hear a program on International House, given by I.H. Board Chair Jim Papada. International House Philadelphia is one of 23 International Houses around the world, and the Philadelphia House bears the…
Chris Hudson’s Five-Week South Pacific Journey the Focus of October New York Meeting
Dear Members and Friends, I am pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of the TCC ‘s New York Chapter on Saturday, Oct. 26, at noon. Chris Hudson, former club president and current board member, will give a presentation on a five-week trip from Santiago, Chile, across the Pacific – a quarter of the…
Report From the September 2013 U.K. Meeting in London
Dear TCC Members, The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the home of Chris and Janice Kohut in London on Sunday, Sept. 22. Our group included UK-based members as well as Jiri and Irina Prasil, who traveled from Prague, and David Langan, who traveled over from Dublin. In addition, we were joined by members…
Cuba Presentation at the September Kansas City TCC Meeting
The Kansas City Chapter met at Trezo Mare restaurant on Sept. 27 with an attendance of 31 members and guests. An informative program and slide presentation on Cuba was presented by Mr. Charles Merkel. He had just recently toured the country. The travel trivia question of the day was: Recently a budget Indian airline, Go,…