Archived TCC News and Chapter Updates

This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.

  • Illinois Chapter Luncheon Set for Late August in Winnetka


    The Illinois TCC Chapter will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 27, at Little Honeycomb in Winnetka. Little Honeycomb is a moderately priced family restaurant located at 540 Lincoln Ave. Separate checks will be available. How to RSVP: Yes, I’m coming: Click for free registration through Eventbrite » No/maybe: RSVP to…

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  • Report From the July Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter Meeting


    Fellow TCC TX/OK/LA Members: On July 30 we held our first in-person meeting in quite some time at Lakewood Yacht Club. I think you know why it’s been a while. It was great to reconnect and meet new people! May your next trip be the best ever! Sylvia and Mark Russell Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter Coordinators

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  • June 2022 Meeting Report for the Southwest Florida Chapter

    The Southwest Florida TCC Chapter met June 21 at member Catherine Mariani‘s lovely home in Venice, Florida, for lunch and socializing. Many chapter members are traveling or staying in the northern U.S. for the summer, yet the turnout was high and discussion lively. Three members attended for the first time. We welcomed new member Marilyn…

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  • Report From the Mediterranean Chapter Meeting in Valencia


    An online meeting kicked off the year to introduce new members and discuss upcoming 2022 and 2023 activities. In addition to meeting in Llívia this coming October, finalists for the 2023 chapter meeting were narrowed down to Boniface Strait, Beirut and Algiers. Chapter members will vote next quarter. Chapter coordinator Francesc Borrull reports: “In an…

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  • Atlanta TCC Chapter Seeks New Coordinator


    Kelly Thomas announced to chapter members that she has accepted a position to teach orchestra at an international school located in Hanoi, Vietnam for two years. As such, Kelly said she will be stepping down from her position and will be seeking to fill it. Kelly recognized how the Atlanta chapter has strengthened in five…

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  • Kansas City Chapter Presentation on ‘Haircuts Around the World’

    John Dranchak was the presenter, and quite the story teller, at the Kansas City luncheon. Talking about one of his “haircuts around the world,” John was walking down the street in Zanzibar where four young men started accompanying him. Eager to assist John in any way, no doubt interested in some kind of pay day,…

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  • Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana Chapter to Meet in Person on July 30 Near Houston


    Fellow Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC members: We’d like to invite you to our first in-person chapter meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. Please mark your calendars for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 30, at Lakewood Yacht Club south of Houston. LYC is located on Clear Lake, near NASA. It’s less than 30 minutes from Hobby Airport. Uber…

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  • June 2022 Arkansas Chapter Update


    The Arkansas TCC Chapter met at noon on June 4 at the home of Dr Steven Clift and Marcia Bingham-Clift. Having just returned from the TCC International Conference  in Malta,  that wonderful experience was shared . Our local topic of discussion was “what destination has changed your life/viewpoint of the world more than any other?” …

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  • Equestrian Setting Planned for September 2022 Indiana/Ohio/Kentucky Chapter Gathering


    The Indiana/Ohio/Kentucky TCC Chapter met in Carmel, Indiana, at Divvy’s restaurant. Carmel’s economic development officer Nancy Heck explained how the community transformed from an ordinary suburb into one of the most livable and walkable cities in the United States. Member and Carmel resident Tom Dapp coordinated an enlightening and enjoyable spring afternoon meeting. Our next…

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  • Malta 2022: TCC International Conference Recap

    WHY MALTA? Guest: Michelle Buttigieg Born to Maltese parents, Michelle moved to Gozo when she was three. Based in New York, she is the representative for the Malta Tourism Authority. She is pictured with Steve Owad-Jones and Robyn Antill at Ta Frenc Restaurant. The sunny islands of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea,…

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  • Member Spotlight: Ed Reynolds, Jr., Woodland Hills, California

    I have had the urge to see the world, meet the people, and visit every country in the world since I can remember. I had a great curiosity for the unknown, a desire to explore and learn about other people and cultures. What caused WWII? Why was there anti-Semitism? As I grew up and served…

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  • Destination: The Islands Off Eastern Australia

    By Sonia and Sarah Zimmermann Sonia is a French and German teacher, realty renovator and student completing her third degree. Sonia and her 11-year-old daughter, Sarah, live in Melbourne, Australia. At 40 countries and territories, Sarah hopes for a TCC youth group in the future. Lord Howe Island A UNESCO heritage island and marine park…

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  • Global Connections: Chance Encounters of TCC Members

    We sometimes just stumble upon fellow travelers halfway around the world who happen to be the only other tourists. On a recent Aurora cruise to Antarctica, Arizona member Mary Heil and Argentinian member Guillermo Blugerman connected for a shared experience on the great ice continent. This happened again when André Woldt from Netherlands went to…

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  • From Our Newest Members

    Dylan Pond, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For the past four years, I’ve traveled mostly overland. Renting vans or camper trucks for a few weeks, driving through regions, has delivered fond memories like living in a van and surfing everyday up and down the coast of Japan.At 26 years old, I go to law school, work full- time,…

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  • Norcal Update: Focus on Saudi Arabia at the June 2022 Luncheon

    At the June 2022 Northern Calfornia Chapter meeting, co-coordinator Margo Bart spoke about her recent trip to Saudi Arabia. Twenty-six members and guests attended the luncheon at Skates on the Bay located in the Berkeley Marina. Margo explained that tourism is a new concept for the Kingdom and there is much to see and do.…

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Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club