This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Meet New Indiana Chapter Coordinators Eileen and Bernie Strenecky
Fortunately, we have been able to integrate our passion for travel with our professional lives. Bernie specializes in medical education, teacher preparation and community development, and Eileen’s includes high school teaching, principalship and having worked summers at a travel agency. Over the span of four decades, both careers afforded us the opportunity to teach, live…
Now on Video: Traveler Interviews Posted on Our TCC Facebook Feed
Did you know that we are doing live TCC interviews? Using our Facebook platform with new technology, board member Stefan Krasowski has been conducting an average of two interviews a week since April. Stefan researches his long list of potential interviewees (members, high-profile travelers and industry experts) for interesting stories or advice. At approximately 30…
TCC Member Spotlight: George and Frances Chittenden, Helsingborg, Sweden
Frances and I met in 2012, and realized almost immediately that we both had an enthusiastic appetite for extensive and far- reaching travel. I’m an organist and choral director, and Frances and I met at a choral festival in Wellington Cathedral, during the time that I worked as Cathedral Organist in southerly Dunedin. I’d already…
Destination: Oman
By Steve and Dianne Owad-Jones Steve and Dianne lived and worked in the Sultanate for five years, check out their Info File for further tips and details. Under the rule of Sultan Qaboos for 49 years, Oman was transformed from a medieval-style feudal state with 1 km of paved road, to a sensitively developed modern…
New Info File Added to the Members-Only TCC Forum
As of 2012, members must go to the TCC Forum to access the TCC Info Files. The Forum requires a user name and password to log in. TCC will continue to mail the Info Files to those who have paid the additional $10 ($85 domestic and $95 international). Back issues of the Info Files are…
Fall 2020 Indiana Chapter Meeting via Zoom
New coordinators Bernie and Eileen Strenecky featured Louisville native Stacie Scott, who led a presentation on her time in Mozambique as a community health services promoter with the Peace Corps. Stacies’s passion is international public health, and with no opportunity to return to Mozambique, she is now pursuing her Master of Health Science in Global…
Virtual Gathering of Members in the Upper Mid-West on Oct. 1
TCC Members in the Upper Mid-West region of the United States are invited to join a special gathering via Zoom on Thursday, Oct. 1, beginning at 7 p.m. Central time. Areas covered are: Iowa Northern Indiana Northern Ohio Michigan Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin For details, including Zoom login info, contact St. Louis Chapter…
New TCC Chapter Launched in the Oceania Region
We are pleased to announce the formation of our newest TCC Chapter. The Oceania Chapter encompasses Australia and New Zealand along with island nations in Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia. The new chapter will hold an online meeting via Zoom on Thursday, Sept. 24. Contact Chapter Coordinator Robyn Antill ( for details.
Report From the New England Chapter’s September 2020 Virtual Gathering
The New England TCC Chapter had a wonderful virtual coffee meeting on Sept. 12 with members and friends from inside and outside of the region. Dr. Douglas Layton, one of the premiere experts on Iraq, especially Iraqi Kurdistan, joined us and shared a very insightful and inspiring presentation. More can be found on Dr. Layton…
Presentation About Rio de Janeiro at the NorCal Chapter’s September 2020 Zoom Meeting
NorCal member Bill Hubbs was the featured speaker at the Northern California TCC Chapter’s Zoom meeting on Saturday, Sept. 12. Bill is a Spacecraft Designer (System Engineer, PhD) with a passion for exploring Latin countries. His favorites are Brazil and Argentina. He will discuss his recent travel back to Rio De Janeiro. He has traveled…
A Hearty Welcome to New TCC Members
The Travelers’ Century Club is pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Bassani, Luca Coser Büchel, Gabriel Burdick, Alan Chen, Xiaoxian Chen, Ying Chokshi, Shiven De Vega Riezco, Francisco Guillermo Ding, Shu Xia Emert, Troy Fan, Wei Girtman, William F. Hao, Shu Lin Herrick, Ginger Huo, Wenxia Janiszewski, Jens Jensen, Michael Robin…
Well Traveled: September 2020
Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well done! Platinum Members (250 or more countries) Michael Robin Jensen Kihei, HI, USA Del McCuen Seal Beach, CA, USA Linda McCuen Seal Beach, CA, USA Gold Members (200 or more countries) Shu Xia Ding Shenzhen, China Elizabeth N. Ganley Arlington,…
September 2020 UK Chapter Meeting Falls Victim to Heightened Health Regulations
On Sept. 8 the UK government changed the rules about group gatherings, now limiting them by law to no more than six people. This now makes it impossible for us to hold our meeting on Sept. 27, which has now been canceled. It is my intention to send out another email once the situation becomes…
Report From the September 2020 Arkansas Chapter Meeting
The following attended the Zoom rendition of the Arkansas TCC Chapter meeting on Sept. 1 : Linda Bell; Henk Knipscheer; Charles Merkel – St Louis Chapter Coordinator; Wendy Arbeit from Memphis; Marcia and Steven Clift; and Lynn Simmons – NYC Chapter Coordinator. The meeting lasted 1 hour and 15 minutes, filled with stories from a…
Final Program for September 2020 Meeting in Nuremberg
Dear Friends, The final program for our Nuremberg meeting is now ready! You may almost pack your travel cases ;-)))) Click to download the full program » Although the meeting is surely affected by the virus situation, and some members unfortunately had to cancel their trip — some are still struggling with Bavarian regulations —…