This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
More Than 30 Participants Logged On for Washington DC Chapter’s October 2020 Zoom meeting
I am happy to report an energetic virtual meeting of the Greater Washington, DC Chapter of the TCC on Oct. 18. The conversation was led by TCC member Dr. Lew Toulmin who shared a presentation about his years in Vanuatu. We had more than 30 participants, some of whom are captured in the photos below:
November 2020 San Diego Chapter Meeting to Take Place Online via Zoom
Dear TCC Members, I am sad to report to you our November meeting scheduled for November 14, 2020 will be canceled due to the Coronavirus. This is the guideline that has been passed down by the TCC Board of Directors. We will have a Zoom meeting on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 1:30 p.m. If you…
Malta Takes Center Stage in TCC Destination Zoom on Nov. 14
Destination Zooms will be regular virtual meetings focusing on one or more Travelers’ Century Club countries. Whether you have a destination on your bucket list or just want to reminisce about being in a particular place these discussions will be of interest to you. The initial offering will be Malta, where our international meeting will…
Erwin Sniedzins Featured Speaker for October 2020 Canada Chapter Zoom Meeting
Hello World Travelers, We are in for a treat on Saturday, Oct.24, at noon EST on our TCC Canada Zoom call. Our speaker is Erwin Sniedzins, who is a TCC Canada member and is one of the few folks on the planet that have climbed Mount Everest. He wrote a book about the experience call…
October Oceania Chapter Meeting Spans Multiple Time Zones and Straddles the International Date Line
The new Oceania TCC Chapter has announced an online meeting on Thursday, Oct. 22, although the actual date and time is fairly complicated as the chapter covers so many time zones — and even a call-in from Switzerland! Refer to the table below for exact timing: UTC Time 8 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 22 Sydney 7…
Resounding Support for Establishing a New Mexico TCC Chapter During Joint Arizona/New Mexico Meeting
TCC Members from Arizona and New Mexico met via Zoom on Sept. 17. There were nine attendees, five from Arizona and four from New Mexico, but the consensus is that many others also are interested. Arizona had a well-attended meeting nine months ago and New Mexico’s eight members all attended a meeting about two months…
Fall 2020 Update From the Colorado TCC Chapter
The Colorado TCC Chapter enjoyed getting together via Zoom in July to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the establishment of the Chapter. The next meeting will be on Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. We are welcoming club members neighbors from Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho to join us. Link information will be emailed a few days…
With Restaurant Restrictions Eased, Pennsylvania Chapter Enjoys a Thai Feast During September 2020 Meeting
The Pennsylvania TCC Chapter met on Sept. 27 for their final meeting of 2020. Philadelphia lifted some of its restaurant restrictions and small groups are permitted to dine outdoors., so seven of us met at Kalaya, a Thai restaurant nominated this year as America’s best new restaurant by the James Beard Foundation. As the group…
Fall 2020 New York Chapter Meeting Scheduled
The New York TCC Chapter will meet on Saturday, Oct. 10, at 1 p.m. Contact Chapter Coordinator Lynn Simmons for details.
Report From the September 2020 Gathering in Nuremberg
The Central Europe TCC Chapter hosted a festive gathering during the weekend of Sept. 11-13 in in Nuremberg, Germany. Participants from five countries (seven when counting home countries) introduced themselves and explained their commitment to traveling as well as their personal experiences in the ”special year” 2020. During his opening remarks, Armin Schreiner presented a…
Joint Zoom Meeting of Arizona and New Mexico Members on Sunday, Sept. 27
The Arizona and New Mexico Travelers’ Century Club meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, Sept. 27. For those of you in Arizona, it will be at 1 p.m; for those of you in New Mexico it will be at 2 p.m., since the two states are in different time zones at this time…
Trip Mementos Shared During September 2020 Canada Chapter Meeting
Hello World Travelers (Stuck at home – but many who are exploring Canada), What a pleasure it was to connect on Sept. 19 to share our passion for travel. Just listening to everyone boosted my spirits and reminded me that there will be an end to this ‘travel embargo’ and we’ll be crossing borders again…
Chicago in October: Proposed Three-Day Regional TCC Meeting
Charles Merkel (St. Louis) and Steve Fuller (Kansas City) are planning a three-day regional meetup in Chicago, Illinois, from Oct. 23 to 25. Understanding member concerns, Steve did a site visit to the Swissotel in Downtown Chicago and was thoroughly impressed with the hotel’s attention to the current health concern. Further, they are offering a…
Arkansas Chapter Honors the Memory of Richard ‘Dick’ Brannon
We all remember who introduced us to the TCC. For coordinator Steve Clift, that person was Dick Brannon. “That moment was in 2001 when he and his wife of 59 years were at my house for an International Garden Club for Master Gardeners. Funny how life passes and I recall that rainy day as I…
Two Missouris (Kansas City and St. Louis) Meet Up Online
Kansas City coordinator Steve Fuller and St. Louis coordinator Charles Merkel teamed up to reach members in the Midwest. Bobbi Laufer of San Diego kicked off the presentation on the South Pacific with a tour through Tuvalu and Kiribati. Then Charles followed the United Airlines’ Micronesia route from Guam to the Marshall Islands. The presentation…