An online meeting kicked off the year to introduce new members and discuss upcoming 2022 and 2023 activities. In addition to meeting in Llívia this coming October, finalists for the 2023 chapter meeting were narrowed down to Boniface Strait, Beirut and Algiers. Chapter members will vote next quarter. Chapter coordinator Francesc Borrull reports: “In an…
Kelly Thomas announced to chapter members that she has accepted a position to teach orchestra at an international school located in Hanoi, Vietnam for two years. As such, Kelly said she will be stepping down from her position and will be seeking to fill it. Kelly recognized how the Atlanta chapter has strengthened in five…
John Dranchak was the presenter, and quite the story teller, at the Kansas City luncheon. Talking about one of his “haircuts around the world,” John was walking down the street in Zanzibar where four young men started accompanying him. Eager to assist John in any way, no doubt interested in some kind of pay day,…
Fellow Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC members: We’d like to invite you to our first in-person chapter meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. Please mark your calendars for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 30, at Lakewood Yacht Club south of Houston. LYC is located on Clear Lake, near NASA. It’s less than 30 minutes from Hobby Airport. Uber…
The Arkansas TCC Chapter met at noon on June 4 at the home of Dr Steven Clift and Marcia Bingham-Clift. Having just returned from the TCC International Conference in Malta, that wonderful experience was shared . Our local topic of discussion was “what destination has changed your life/viewpoint of the world more than any other?” …
The Indiana/Ohio/Kentucky TCC Chapter met in Carmel, Indiana, at Divvy’s restaurant. Carmel’s economic development officer Nancy Heck explained how the community transformed from an ordinary suburb into one of the most livable and walkable cities in the United States. Member and Carmel resident Tom Dapp coordinated an enlightening and enjoyable spring afternoon meeting. Our next…
At the June 2022 Northern Calfornia Chapter meeting, co-coordinator Margo Bart spoke about her recent trip to Saudi Arabia. Twenty-six members and guests attended the luncheon at Skates on the Bay located in the Berkeley Marina. Margo explained that tourism is a new concept for the Kingdom and there is much to see and do.…
The Pennsylvania TCC Chapter met on Sunday, May 23, at Yemeni restaurant Hadramount in University City, and heard from Fulbright Scholar and Ukrainian artist Rimma Milenkova. Hailing from the embattled greater Kharkiv region, most of Milenkova’s relatives have fled to Poland, but her parents continue to reside in their home village. Milenkova’s studies at the…
Gloria and Charlie McCoy will host a meeting of the San Diego TCC Chapter at their home in La Jolla on Saturday, July 9, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will feature a presentation by Gloria McCoy about traveling in Ethiopia from Akxum to the Omo Valley. A Mexican Fiesta meal will be…
Dear Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana TCC Members, We’ll be hosting a TCC TX/OK/LA call on Saturday, June 25, at 1pm Central Time. While visiting with friends, it was suggested that we have a Zoom program starting with the letter “A” and asking you, the members, to send us a picture(s) of a country, city, etc., which starts with…
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